Board Minutes 09-02-2017

Cinosam Club Approved Minutes: September 2, 2017

Meeting called to order at 9:00AM by President Mark McDonald.

Attended by Board Members:  Mark McDonald, Tom Whitehead, Julie Carroll, Liz Becher, Richard Dillman, Jenna Riley, Kelly Spratt, Verna Thompson, Patty Rivard.

Board Members not in Attendance: Ron McKitterick, John Klauk, Marc Kmecik, Steve Bredeson.

Minutes:  from the August 6, 2017 meeting were read by Julie Carroll. Motion to approve, by Marc Kmecik, second by Richard Dillman.

Treasurer’s Report:  Liz Becher distributed the August YTD Actual to Budget Financial Report. Revenue is $28,685 and expenses YTD are $21,102. August expenses included ballot postage, the beach sand, sign holder and eagle plaque. Motion to approve by Kelly Spratt, second by Richard Dilman.

Committee Reports:

SAC Jarrett Leas reported that the swim dock will be installed with the T configuration next year. Mark Walters will work on the Lot #4 steps next weekend.


Diane Dillman posted a “to be fixed” list in June and handed out a September 2 list at the meeting. She said that the recent addition to a sand blanket to the beach on Gull Park has left tracks on the hillside, which destroyed the native plants, thereby causing erosion.  This should be repaired as soon as possible with soil, transplanted plants and mulch.  Two trees marked for cutting on Lot 2 should not be cut down because they hold the hillside helping to retain the soil and prevent erosion.  The sandy soil on our bluffs is very vulnerable to washing out and is accelerated by any removal of vegetation.  She said we should be aware that the overhead canape of leaves is also a very important part of the system because it helps to protect the ground from the impact of heavy rains.


No update.

Unfinished Business The setup for today’s Cinsoam Auction is going well.

New Business The Board welcomed new and re-elected members Kelly Spratt, Liz Becher, Verna Thompson and Jenna Riley. Due to a tie in the election count, three of the elected members drew ballots for their terms. Verna Thompson and Kelly Spratt will have two-year terms and Jenna Riley and Patty Rivard will have a three-year terms.

Jenna Riley displayed a new sign for the Oktoberfest celebration that she made as part of her business. The sign is attractive, weather resistant and reusable. A motion to reimburse Jenna for the $25 cost of the sign was made by Richard Dillman and seconded by Patty Rivard. Motion carried. Mark suggested she review the new design with the Oktoberfest organizers; Joey and Trisha. Jenna said she also has the ability to make Cinosam t-shirts.

Jackie Levvings gave the board an overview of a potential neighborhood billboard site built on the NextDoor platform. Round Lake currently has a site which we can join or break off into our own. We would need a founding member of Round Lake to release us to join our own group as well as someone to manage the site. This can be considered if someone steps forward to handle site management.

Tom Whitehead hung the flags on Cinosam Road for Labor Day. In addition he will hang them for Memorial Day, Flag Day, and the 4th of July

Announcements Octoberfest is scheduled for Saturday, September 30.

Adjournment Motion to adjourn by Richard Dillman, second by Tom Whitehead at 10:36AM.


Submitted by Julie Carroll.