Board Minutes 10-01-2016

Cinosam Club Approved Minutes:  October 1, 2016

Meeting called to order by President Mark McDonald.

Attended by:  Mark McDonald, Steve Bredeson, Julie Carroll, John Klauck, Marc Kmecik, Jerrett Leas, Mark Walter, Ginny Wendt, Tom Whitehead and Kathy Becker.

Minutes:  from the September 3, 2016 meeting were read by Kathy Becker. Motion to approve by Julie Carol, second by John Klauck.

Treasurer’s Report:  No Treasurer’s report. Kelly submitted a preliminary operating budget.

Committee Reports:

Jarrett reported that all of the lifts have been tagged. Thirteen new dock sections will be built this winter.

No CLARC report

Unfinished Business
The fence painting is complete at the main park. Work continues at the Round Lake Park.

New Business
The board discussed having an audit done in January and reported on at the first meeting of 2017.
-Julie will put a reminder that dues are due January 1 on the website.
-October Fest is October 15.