Board Minutes 09-03-2016

Cinosam Club Approved Minutes:  September 3, 2016

Meeting called to order by President Mark McDonald at 9:00 am

Attended by:  Steve Bredeson, Julie Carroll, Richard and Diane Dillman, John Klauck, Jarrett Leas, Mark McDonald, Ron McKitterick, Kelly Spratt, Tim Vescio, Mark Walter, Ginny Wendt, Tom Whitehead and Kathy Becker.

Minutes:  from the August 6, 2016 meeting were read by Kathy Becker. Motion to approve by Tim Vescio; second by Tom Whitehead. Minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report:  Kelly Spratt outlined the 2017 Proposed Operating Budget. No significant change in current operating budget from last month.

2016 Paid Membership Summary
Paid Association Households – 118
Paid Boat Slip Members – 32
Paid Canoe Slip Members – 7
Motion to approve by Ginny Wendt, second by Ron McKitterick. Motion carried.

Committee Reports
CLARC – submitted by Diane Dillman
Diane discussed need for volunteers to fix bulletin board.

SAC – submitted by Jarrett Leas
Jarrett discussed dock removal and mapping of lifts process. Expect docks to be removed in early October. All canoes must be removed from racks by October 1.

Old Business
Thank you to the volunteers who worked on the Round Lake property
– Silt fences are up until the grass fills in at Round Lake
– Fence repair at the main park planned for September 7th @ 10 am. Fence painting planned for September 10th @ 10 am. All volunteers are welcome.

New Business
Welcome to the new Board members:  Julie Carroll and Steve Bredeson.
-Julie Carroll will manage the Cinosam website.
Tim Vescio motioned that a Cinosam Facebook page be created and managed by Julie Carroll with the help of Joey Halvorson until the Spring of 2017 at which time it will be reviewed. Steve Bredeson seconded the motion and the motion was carried.

Motion to adjourn was made by Tim Vescio and seconded by Tom Whitehead.

Respectfully submitted:  Kathy Becker