Board Minutes 08-01-2015

Cinosam Club Approved Minutes:  August 1, 2015

Meeting called to order by President Mark McDonald at 9:00 am

Attended by:  Mark McDonald, Joey Halvorson, John Klauck, Tim Vescio, Ginny Wendt, Kathy Becker, Jarrett Leas, Kelly Spratt, Ron McKitterick, Marc Kmecik and Tom Whitehead.

Minutes:  from the June 27, 2015 meeting were read by Kathy Becker. Motion to approve by Tim Vescio, second by Tom Whitehead. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:  submitted by Kelly Spratt.
July 2015 YTD Reporting Period
Revenue General Membership:  $12,500
Revenue Boat Slips:  $16,000
Revenue Canoe/Kayak:  $450
Total Revenue:  $29,400
Expenses:  $25,900
Motion to approve by Joey Halvorson, second by Barb Zurn. Motion carried.

Committee Reports:

Jarrett Leas reported that the docks on Lot # 4 need to be replaced. He will try to get the end of the dock on Round Lake widened to accommodate fishing. The south dock at the main park will be adjusted at an angel next year to accommodate Mike Gresser, our neighbor to the south. Mr. Gresser will work with us by moving his dock farther to the south. This will allow him a safe swimming area and room for boats on the south dock to safely enter and exit the area.
Jarrett suggested we put in place a long range plan for the park and out lot areas. Joey Halvorson will work with volunteers to create a committee.

There was not CLARC report.

Old Business
The installation of the power pole at Round Lake was delayed due to the storm.
-Joey Halvorson noted that someone still needs to make contact with Dan Hurlburt to initiate work on replacing the steps on lot #4.
-The 4th of July celebration received $426 in donations with food costs being $254. Mark thanked all those who made the celebration possible. It was suggested that next year donations received from this event be placed in a separate fund designated for park improvements.

New Business
-Thank you to all who helped with park clean up after the storm including Jeff James who used his bobcat to help with park clean up.
Our neighbor to the north has volunteered to put a split rail fence along the north side of the park at his expense. The Board discussed ways to improve our fence lines.
Amy and John Collins daughter, Lila donated $10 to the repair of the swing set in the park. She established a go fund me account and raised $75.
-Thank you to Fred Paine for donating the Cinosam web site. Marc Kmecik is working on getting it up and running again.

Respectfully submitted:  Kathy Becker