Board Minutes 09-06-2015

Cinosam Club Approved Minutes:  September 6, 2015

Meeting called to order by President Mark McDonald at 9:00 am

Attended by:  Mark McDonald, Joey Halverson, John Klauck, Tim Vescio, Ginny Wendt, Kelly Spratt, Richard Dillman, Diane Dilllman and Kathy Becker.

Minutes:  from the August, 2015 meeting were read by Kathy Becker. Motion to approve by Tim Vescio, second by Richard Dillman. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:  submitted by Kelly Spratt.
August 2015 YTD Reporting Period
Total Revenue:  $29,056
Total Expenses:  $18,719.68
Kelly explained the costs to the club associated with the storm.
Motion to approve by Tim Vescio, second by Richard Dillman. Motion carried.

Committee Reports:

No SAC report.

Diane has posted a job list in the park.

Old Business
The power pole at Round Lake has been installed. Mark McDonald will install a power outlet.
-Dan Hurlburt hopes to begin work on replacing the steps on lot #4 soon. The existing steps will be torn out and the new steps will be moved to the south side of the lot. The design includes platforms and a railing. Ginny asked that a price comparison be made between green treated and cedar boards.
-The Board discussed ideas on installing split rail fence in the park and repairing and painting the white section at the entrance to the park.

New Business
-Chain saw carving
Marie Fedorczuk presented the idea of using the large white pine lost due to the storm on out lot #3 to create a chainsaw carving of an eagle. This sculpture will be placed in the park close to the lake. The $1,500 fee for the carving would come solely from donations. Ben Semler of Realistic Carvings shared a drawing of what the carving would look like. Tim Vescio motioned that the club move ahead with the tree carving with the understanding the entire cost of the project would be covered by donations. Marie will spearhead the process. Seconded by Joey Halvorson
-Oktoberfest will be October 3.
-Swing Set – Two different efforts are underway to repair or replace the swing set.
-Discussion of petition process for road maintenance.
-Marie Bode suggested bringing back the Cinosam newsletter
Motion to adjourn by Joey Halverson, seconded by Kelly Spratt

Respectfully submitted:  Kathy Becker