Board Minutes 08-03-2024

Cinosam Annual Meeting – Board Minutes 8/3/2024
Cinosam Club Minutes August 3, 2024
1) Meeting called to order at 9:00 AM by President, Tim Vescio

Attended by board members : Mark McDonald, John Klauck,
Sylvie Letts, Mary Dykes, Ed Koehler, Mary Jo Ohlin, Julie
Carroll, Kathy Becker
Not in Attendance: Heather Thompson, Marc Kmecik, Blair

2) Board Meeting: Minutes from June 29th were reviewed by the Board. Motion to approve made by Mary Jo Ohlin and seconded by Kathy

3) Treasurer Report: Julie made a couple of announcements: Gull
Lake Chain Association meeting on Aug 21st at 7PM and made the
request that per our by-laws boat/dock slip owners must submit their
proof of insurance. Only one person has done that.
There was over $600 in donations for the 4th of July and $590
went to vendors with $32 remaining to go to Club
Julie went on to review the financials. Her findings are included
in her attached 2024 Income statement. She also suggested
that Non-Profits normally have a reserve account and suggests at least $20K in that account.
Kelly McKlintock also presented his version of a financial
presentation speculating on possible outcomes including raising membership fees and boat slip fees. Kelly’s piece showed a
five year plan with scenarios. (Attached)
Julie will have a budget proposal prepared for the September
meeting with scenarios and comparison results.
Sylvie suggested possible grants for property improvements
and suggested contacting the Masons since this is a historical site. she will present her findings at the September meeting.

Motion to accept the August Cinosam Monthly Financials made by Marc Kmecik, seconded by Mary Dykes. Motion carried.

4- Boat Committee and Parks/Maintenance: Tim Vescio suggested that
he was looking for someone to take over as Boat Captain for next year.
The group also discussed that there needs to be a dock/ beach
assessment done at some point, this to be brought up in Sept. There was
discussion that there are two dock sections in Outlot 2 that were not put in.
Jodi and Mark Walters will use it on their spot to assist with their mom
getting on their boat. Tim said OK. Outlot 2 and 3 have berms from ice and
Mark M said he would clean it up.
The Von Mauer family is still taking care of the maintenance and we are
grateful. Mary Dykes has been a super volunteer. We also had another
volunteer (name unknown but family member of one of our members) fix
some of the fence railings that were falling down.
Reed Von Mauer would like to plant more trees in the park to provide
shade to the playground area and more. There was some interest and Ed
Koehler suggested that the tree planting discussion go to the board for
The top of the stairs in the main park needs to be fixed, somehow, trip
hazard and washout hazard – to discuss in Sept.

5-New Business –
There was discussion again (see June Minutes) about the budget going to
the membership for approval , it was decided that authority should be given to the board only, to establish the budget including Dues and Fees. Ed
Koehler made the motion and Mary Jo Ohlin seconded. Motion Carried.
A- Communication -There was a lot of discussion on how to
communicate better with our community members. It was
suggested that we use some kind of app like Constant Contact. It
was also suggested that our FB page should have an open forum.

Sylvie will talk to Heather to look into that. Communication will be
brought up at next meeting.
B- Donations -It was discussed that there should be a DONATE
button on FB if possible or on our Website. Ms Nielsen ( the 5K
run gal) said she had $300.00 in donations from the Run on 4th of
July to give to Cinosam but she does not have a checking
account. A couple of board members suggested she get a
Cashier’s check and mail to our Cinosam mailbox.
C- Gary Simter (?) asked if we wanted to take over an Adopt-aHighway sign that is front of the Neighborhood as the current
owner of that sign is elderly and can’t meet the commitment.
Discussed and no further action was decided.
D- Meeting in October – It was decided that we needed a final
meeting in October. October 5th was agreed upon and also
suggested as the date for Oktoberfest with bonfire and Potluck.
E- VOTE RESULTS – (tallied by Jodi Walter and Ron McKittrick)Tim Vescio remains President with 28 votes VS 26 votes for
Kelly McKlintock
Blair McKibbon – 42 votes
John Klauck – 43 votes
Kelsey Peterson -43 votes ( Kelsey only wanted 1 yr)
Jim Thomson – 36 votes (we gave him the 1 yr)

Heidi – 35 votes
6- Adjournment
Motion for adjournment made by John Klauck, seconded by
Mary Jo Ohlin.
Items for discussion next meeting are as follows:

Planting trees – Reed Van Mauer
Communication app of membership and Facebook
Donate button somewhere? (add to the invoices ? look into adding to FB or create a Venmo for us? )
Kelsey and Jim switch 1 yr and 3 yr?
Dock and beach assessment report – need volunteers
Fix the top of the stairs in main park .
Sylvie to report on her grants research