Board Minutes 5-4-2024

Board Minutes 05-04-2023
Cinosam Club Minutes May 4 th , 2024

  1. Meeting called to order at 9:10AM by President, Tim Vescio
    Attended by Board Members:  Heather Thompson, Blair McKibbon, Mary Jo Ohlin,
    Kathy Becker, Mary Dykes, Ed Koehler, Marc Kmecik, Sylvie Letts
    Board Members not in Attendance: John Klauck, Mark McDonald, Julie Carroll
    A quorum was confirmed
  2. Board Meetings
     Minutes from the September 2nd, 2023 Board Meeting were reviewed by the
    Board. Motion to approve was made by Marc Kmecik and seconded by Kathy
    Becker. Motion carried.
     Minutes from the October 22nd, 2023 Board Action were reviewed by the Board.
    Motion to approve was made by Sylvie Letts and seconded by Mary Jo Ohlin.
    Motion carried.
  3. Acting Treasurer/Treasurer’s Report:
     It was noted that Elizabeth Becher has moved out of Cinosam. Julie Carroll will
    perform Treasurer duties for the remainder of Elizabeth’s term
     Elizabeth’s (Liz) final report is:
     Yearly property taxes were paid in full. They are up to $17,108 for
    the year. 
     Decreased some of the dock and park maintenance budget
    categories to not exceed the expected revenue
     Taxes are now taking 50%+ of the budget
     Taxes have more than doubled since I started as treasurer 
     US Bank Account: Mark McDonald is on the US Bank account. He and Julie
    will coordinate getting her account access on May 10 th . Tim plans to also get
    access at some point.
     Mailbox keys: Tim Vescio and Mark McDonald currently have possession of
    the two keys

The 2024 Proposed Budget and YTD Expenses for Fiscal Year January 1, 2024 –
December 31, 2024 Actual to Budget Year End 2024 Report was reviewed. It was noted
that due to the transition of Treasurer duties, many line items in the Budget
Assumptions Actual YTD did not reflect current information and should be available at
the June meeting.
YTD Actual to Proposed Budget Financial report through April 3 2024. Revenue is
unfavorable to budget; YTD actual $24,550. – budget is $29,750. Expenses are favorable
to budget; YTD actual $18,141.73 – budget is $33,558.00 Checking balance is
 The Board discussed that the general membership numbers have declined and how to
encourage the residents of Cinosam to support the Club through payment of dues.
o Cinosam Club members that were in attendance at the Board meeting asked about
 whether the dues should be noted as optional; even though they can not be
 what could be done for better marketing
 campaigning/knocking on doors

 concern that people use the facilities but chose not to pay annual dues
 raising another concern that anyone can come onto the property and we
should consider implementing some type of enforcement

 Another discussion point was related to budget considerations for dock replacement;
see Boat Committee Report for more discussion.

Motion to accept the 2024 Proposed Operating Budget YTD Actual to Budget Financial
report, noting that made by Ed Koehler and seconded by Sylvie Letts. Motion carried.

  1. New Business
    Use of WAVE invoicing software – Heather and Blair
     Second year in a year for annual dues
     While it may be helpful for tracking who has paid dues and boat fees, it has
    increased the administrative burden for annual mailings at the start of year and
    for annual meeting
    o Additionally, it is not a comprehensive tool for tracking all Club business

 Plan to revert to the use of the spreadsheet
o Heather has maintained updated addresses, though end of 2023
that can be leveraged for going forward and has been shared with Julie
 Electronic payments can still be processed via link on website
 Consideration of how a business card could be issued to members with a QR code
for payment
Election Planning – start early
 Upcoming Board Member seat vacancies –
 Three Board positions plus a one-year position to fill the position vacated by Tom
 Four Officer Positions
 Public solicitation of candidates should be posted by the first Sunday of June
(June 2 nd , 2024)
 Notification to Board no later than the first weekend in July, prior to the annual
 Verna volunteered to have an Election table at the 4 th of July Celebration
Heidi Streit and Verna Thomson asked about annual auditing of the Cinosam records.
They specifically asked about Boat Slip Waiting List and Bloat Slip fees and insurance.
ARTICLE IV  DUTIES OF THE BOARD Section 1 of the Bylaws were read
The Board of Directors is charged with the management of Club business, and has the
authority to acquire and dispose of non-real estate Club  property.
The Board shall appoint one or two persons to audit the Treasurer’s records annually. 
The Board shall appoint a committee to review the Club’s financial situation in each
odd numbered year and make recommendations to the Board.
Based on this, Tim appointed Heidi Streit and Gladys Konrad to audit the Treasurer’s
records. It was noted that due to the transition of duties, it would take time for Julie to
get the records updated.

  1. Committee reports
     Boat Committee
    Tim shared that historically, when new slips became available on Gull, they were
    assigned to the next person on the waiting list
    This year, when more than one slip became available, others with existing slips
    on Gull wanted to move to the newly available slips
    o As such, it seemed appropriate to consider seniority and allow this
    movement to occur and he shared who moved to which slip
    More clean-up is needed on Outlots 2 and 3
    As the docks are aging, some will need to be replaced. Need to budget for
    replacement with aluminum.

Heidi Streit and Verna Thompson would like to revise some language in the
current Boat Rules.
o The Board directed them to meet as a Committee and bring their proposed
revisions to the Board for review
 Ultimately, any revisions to the Boat Rules must be brought to
the Membership for voting action

 Boat Slip Waiting List
Tim gave updates on who was moving off the List and on to the newly vacant slips
on Round
 Boat Slip Layout
Heather will send the updated document to the Board and Boat Committee

  1. Parks/Maintenance
     It was clarified that the $1500 bid for replacing the split rail fence facing Gull Lake
    was approved last year and remains in place. Tom Ohlin will complete the work.
    The old fencing will be saved for use in other areas, including Round Lake Park
     Sylvie will do the flower planting this year again
     Someone will need to call to have the port-a-pot delivered
    o It was asked if the encloser could be moved to hide it: Tim will talk to Mark
     There was concern about non-members using the port-a-pot: some type of
    deterrent “ private property – members only” sign will be placed on the end of the
     The Solar lights will be placed at the end of the docks again
  2. Old Business
     Blair shared that the federal tax-exempt filing status is in process. It has been
    somewhat delayed by the transition in the Treasurer position.
     The Annual Nonprofit filing with State/Crow Wing County will become a part
    of this process with the Accounting team, going forward, and will not need to
    be done separately
     Blair will research whether we are in a special tax category.
  3. Next Meeting June 1st, 2024
     2024 Meeting Dates
     July 6th
     Annual Meeting, August 3rd
     September 2
     2024 Celebration Dates
     July 4 (Thursday)
     Oktoberfest TBD
  4. Adjournment
    Motion for adjournment made by Ed Koehler and seconded by Sylvie Letts. The meeting
    was adjourned at 10:50 AM.
    Respectfully Submitted by Heather Thompson