Board Minutes 6-1-2024

1) Meeting called to order by Vice President Mark McDonald
Attended by : Sylvie Letts, Julie Carroll, Ed Koehler, John Klauck,
Kathy Becker, Mary Dykes Not in Attendance :Tim Vescio, Mary Jo
Ohlin, Blair McKibbon, Tom Froyum, Heather Thompson, Mark
Quorum was confirmed
2) Board Meetings
a. Minutes from the May 4 th 2024 meeting were reviewed by the
aboard. Motion to approve made by Kathy Becker and
seconded by Ed Koehler
3) Treasurer Report – Julie Carroll
a. It was reported by Julie that there is concern regarding the
expenses vs income due to rise in property tax and rising costs
in park/dock up-keep. It was noted that the auditing had been
taken up by Heidi Streit and Gladys Konrad, but it was unknown
if they were auditing the appropriate year, they should be
auditing 2023. Julie will talk to the Auditors to straighten it out.
b. A lot of discussion on raising the dock fees and the
membership fees and a proposal will be presented next
meeting. Julie will calculate the necessary adjustment to reflect
the percentage in the rise in costs or property taxes and other
normal expenditures and apply that to the amount to be
c. There was discussion on removing the term “dues are optional”
from all documents, advertising/website/welcome packets and
verbal from Real Estate folks. Mark knows Real Estate folks so
he will share that.
d. It was noted that the rise in membership and boat fees is not to
be out to a public vote as someone suggested. Julie will put
together a report for the general meeting.
e. A motion was made to allow our Treasurer to put the savings in
a Money Market earning 3% at US bank. Ed Koehler moved
and Mary Dykes made the second. Motion Carried.
f. Treasurer report to be continued as Julie will be supplying us
with new information.

4) New Business

A) 4 th of July Celebration was discussed
B) Whiteheads are supplying prizes, the normal board
meeting move to June 29 th so we have a few days to
discuss food, signage etc. Verna Thompson to have a
voting table
C) Sylvie to talk to Heather about the positions that are
open then put a FB post up with calls to submit desire to
be on the Cinosam Board.
D) Garbage Service was discussed but board
members said they will continue to monitor and pick up
when needed
Sylvie will get rates for pick up to share with the board.
E) Also discussed was storms and possibility of tree
removal , it was decided that the
membership/neighborhood will help clear.

5) Committee Reports
a. Verna Thompson was in attendance and said she has not had
a Boat Committee meeting yet, Sylvie will send her the list and
the dock map. Verna will get a meeting together
b. Boat List in still in motion- Tim has a handle on it

NOTE: Next meeting will be Saturday June 29 th at 9 AM
ADJOURNMENT – Motion to adjourn made by John McDonald and Ed
Kohler made the second