Board Minutes 09-02-2023

  1. Meeting called to order at 9:02AM by President, Tim Vescio
    Attended by Board Members:  Heather Thompson, Blair McKibbon, Mary Jo Ohlin,
    Kathy Becker, Mary Dykes, Ed Koehler
    Board Members not in Attendance:
    John Klauck, Marc Kmecik, Mark McDonald, Sylvie Letts, Tom Froyum, Liz Becher
    A quorum was confirmed
  2. August 5 th Annual Meeting minutes: 
    Minutes from the August 5th, 2023 Board Meeting were reviewed by the Board. Motion
    to approve was made by Kathy Becker and seconded by Mary Jo Ohlin. Motion carried.
  3. Treasurer’s Report: Tim Vescio reviewed the 2023 Operating Budget
    YTD Actual to Budget Financial report through September 2023. Revenue is
    unfavorable to budget; YTD actual $28,050. – budget is $29,750. Expenses are
    favorable to budget; YTD actual $31,805.47 – budget is $34,696. Checking balance is

A question was posed regarding the YTD Actual General Membership and Boat Slips
compared to Budget. It was noted that the YTD Actual General Membership is down by
two, due to the Treasurer and Secretary fees being waived and Boat Slip difference is
due to refund of partial fees to the member(s) affected by the work on Outlot 2 docks
this spring. Motion to approve 2023 Operating Budget YTD Actual to Budget Financial
report made by Ed Koehler and seconded by Mary Jo Ohlin. Motion carried

  1. New Business
     Tom Froyum is resigning from his Board position, as he is moving. After review
    of the Bylaws of the Cinosam Club Corporation, Article III Section 3, the Board
    may elect a replacement. Motion to appoint Julie Carroll to fill the position until
    the next election was made by Tim Vescio and seconded by Blair McKibbon.
    Motion carried. The Board welcomed Julie to the role.
  2. Committee reports
     Boat Committee: Heather will send the Boat Slip Layout document to the
    Board so Trevor will have as a reference
  3. Parks/Maintenance
     Bench has been re-stained: Many thanks to Mary Dykes for her work on this!
     Eagle needs re-staining
     ideally, should be done annually
     Carved benches by playground: Blair will work on repairing
     Tom Ohlin presented a bid of $1500 for materials to replace the split rail
    fence facing Gull Lake. Motion to approve the bid made by Blair McKibbon
    and seconded by Mary Jo Ohlin. Motion carried
     The old fencing will be saved for use in other areas, including Round Lake
     South Rock trail to Gull needs repair
  4. Old Business
     Blair presented an update on our federal tax-exempt filing status. He
    recommends, and the Board agrees, that we obtain professional CPA services
    to assist us. Motion to approve CPA fees up to $300 made by Heather
    Thompson and seconded by Ed Koehler. Motion carried.
     2023 Celebration Dates
     Oktoberfest TBD
  5. Announcements – Oktoberfest Saturday, October 7 th 4PM –
  6. Next Meeting – May 4 th , 2024
    2024 Meeting Schedule
     June 1 st
     July 6 th
     August 3 rd Annual Meeting
  7. Adjournment
    Motion for adjournment made by Ed Koehler and seconded by Blair McKibbon. The
    meeting was adjourned at 9:35 AM.
    Respectfully Submitted by Heather Thompson