Board Minutes 06-03-2023

Cinosam Club Minutes June 3, 2023

  1. Meeting called to order at 9:04AM by President, Tim Vescio

Attended by Board Members:  Heather Thompson, Blair McKibbon, John Klauck, Ed Koehler, Mary Jo Ohlin, Liz Becher,  Tom Froyum, Sylvie Letts

Board Members not in Attendance:

Marc Kmecik, Tricia Kane, Mark McDonald, Kathy Becker

A quorum was confirmed

  1. Minutes:  

Minutes from the May 13, 2023 Board Meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Heather Thompson and seconded by Sylvie Letts. Motion carried.

  1. Treasurer’s Report: Liz Becher reviewed the 2023 Operating Budget 

YTD Actual to Budget Financial report through June 2023. Revenue is unfavorable to budget; YTD actual $27,100. – budget is $29,750. Expenses are favorable to budget; YTD actual $18,790.15 – budget is $34,696. Checking balance is $30,975.93

One additional boat slip lease payment was received from Phillip Johnson. 

WAVE  – 

Motion to approve 2023 Operating Budget YTD Actual to Budget Financial report   

made by Ed Koehler and seconded by Mary Jo Ohlin. Motion carried

It was decided that we should send reminder notices out for the 69 unpaid members. Blair can print them from WAVE: Heather will mail them.

Discussed need to integrate Excel data for aligning those on the Boat Slip Wait List with current membership and generating annual ballots to paid members. Blair will look at this. It was noted that there is no bandwidth to maintain both. .

  1. New Business 
  • Election Planning/Candidate Update  
  • Upcoming Board Member seat vacancies   –
    • Three Board positions: Mary Jo Ohlin, Sylvie Letts , and Mary Sykes will run 
    • Tim Vescio, Liz Becher and Heather Thompson will run  
  • Noted that it would be nice to have a “Meet your Board Candidate” blurb from each candidate – to allow Cinosam residents can learn a little bit about you
  • Name:
  • How long you have been part of Cinosam? 
  • New to the Board or How many years served? 
  • What do you love about this community?
  • What else????
  • July 4th Party planning was discussed
    • Tim will contact mark Elson 
  1. Committee Reports 
  • Boat Committee/Boat Slips  
    • Issue with Outlot 2
      • Neighbor to south has dock/boat lifts out and ours are encroaching into his space
        • We need to move out 8 feet for clearance and reconfigure the 5 slips to allow for 4 across and one behind on the north
        • Boat lift on top needs to be moved to member’s lot was replaced with a new one)
        • Many dock sections need replacing – in general and need to consider future planning
        • Trevor will be getting estimates
    • Boat Slip Waiting List –
      • As noted, Phillip Johnson moved into Kelly Spratt’s position on Round
      • Kelly Spratt remains on the List for Gull
      • There is one more on the Boat Slip Wait List
    • An updated draft Boat Slip map /names was presented; more blanks were filled in and map reconfigured. Heather will make changes and bring back new draft.
    • The Schwen’s are selling and have offered up more swim buoys and also have Cinosam Club archival documents that will pass on to Tim. 
  • Garden Committee
    • Many thanks to Sylvie and all who were involved in the purchasing and planting the beautiful flowers 
  • Parks/Maintenance
    • The Klauck family will add more wood chips to Outlot2. Their daughter and family have been working really hard on beautifying the beach. Many thanks to them for this hard work!!!! 
    • Questions were brought up re: whether the Von Maurs are still paying for mowing the Gull Lake Park. Sylvie will check on prices from C&B, in case that is needed 
    • Playground needs special staining every 2 years
    •  Considerations on what to do with the fences, as they degrade   
  1. Old Business
  2. Next Meeting July 1st, 2023 
  • 2023 Meeting Dates
  • August 5 Annual Meeting, September 2
  1. Adjournment 

Motion for adjournment made by Heather Thompson and seconded by Liz Becher. Meeting adjourned at 10:01 AM.

Respectfully Submitted by Heather Thompson