Board Minutes 06-05-2021

Cinosam Club Approved Minutes June 5, 2021
Meeting called to order at 9:00AM by President Tim Vescio
Attended by Board Members: Tom Froyum, Heather Thompson, Ed Koehler, Kathy
Becker, Mary Jo Ohlin, John Klauck, Mark McDonald
Board Members not in Attendance: Tricia Kane, Liz Becher, Marc Kmecik, Kelly
A quorum was present.

Minutes from the May 1, 2021 Board Meeting were read by Tim Vescio. Motion to
approve as presented, was made by Kathy Becker and seconded by Ed Koehler. Motion

Treasurer’s Report:
Liz Becher was absent. Review of the 2021 Operating Budget – Actual Budget YTD was
tabled until next meeting.
New Business:
 Club Safe Deposit box relocating
o The current location is sun-setting their program
o Sylvie Letts, a new Club member, researched availability and found one at
Frandsen Bank in Baxter
o Mark McDonald agreed to empty out the current box and bring the
contents to the next Board meeting
o It was noted that we should have at least 4 keys; one for each of the Board

 Upcoming Elections and Board Seat Vacancies
o Four Officer positions
 Tim Vescio, Mark McDonald and Heather Thompson announced
their intent to run for reelection

o Three Board positions
 Kathy Becker, John Klauck and Blair McKibbon announced their
intent to run

o Other candidates are welcome and encouraged to run; just contact any
current Board member
o Notice of upcoming elections and how to submit your name will be posted
on the Cinosam Club website and Facebook

 Non-Cinosam Residents
o Off Leash Dogs
 It was noted that there is an increase in off-leash dogs
 It was requested that additional signage be placed on the north
end of Donaldson and at the entrance from 371
 Verna Thompson volunteered to take the lead on having signs

o Use of Gull Lake Park

 Verna will also explore having a larger sign made stating Private
Park Members Only

 Clen up/dumpster
o After some discussion, the possibility of doing this again was shelved

Committee Reports
 Celebration Committee
o Fourth of July and 100- year anniversary will be celebrated together
o Sylvie will take the lead on pricing a banner
o Tim will contact Mark re: the brats/hot dogs
o Potluck and Parade
o Can use Ed’s PA system
o Mark will follow up with Cowboy re: the horses
o Could definitely use help putting the flags up
o Fun Run on the 4 th of July 2021 had been proposed in 2020 by Misty
 No-one to manage this at this point
 (Proposing perhaps a 5 or 10K run, entry fees to go to Cinosam
Club; open to family and friends of Cinosam)

 Boat Committee
o Tim shared an update on the fishing platform 4 docks and 2 benches to
Round Lake
 Terry has secured most of the materials
 Cost is $1795 for lumber and $440 in misc. hardware, etc.
o Ginny noted there are 2 open kayak/canoe racks available
 The Board had previously approved getting another , if needed
 Ginny will check into current pricing

 Parks/ Maintenance
o John Klauck was recognized for the new signs – great job!
o The Gull Lake park pump needs repair: Mark will take the lead on this
o Mark will replace the photo eye for the Gull Lake Park light

Old Business
 Boat Slips and the consideration of trading spots was brought up.
o The Boat Committee shared their position that they did not want to be in
the position of trying to broker these transactions
o A late proposal was submitted for consideration: “if two current slip
renters have a mutually agreeable trade, it should be submitted to the
Board for consideration”
o Discussion may continue at July meeting

Next Meeting
Next meeting Saturday, July 3, 2021
Motion to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20AM.
Respectfully Submitted by Heather Thompson