Board Minutes 08-01-2020

Cinosam Club Approved Minutes Annual Meeting, August 1, 2020
Meeting called to order at 9:08AM by Co-Presidents Tim Vescio and Tom Whitehead.
Attended by Board Members:   Heather Caulley, Verna Thompson, Kathy Becker,
Jenna Riley, Marc Kmecik, Ed Koehler, Liz Becher, John Klauck.
Board Members not in Attendance: Mark McDonald, Tom Froyum, Kelly Spratt.
A quorum was present.
Minutes from the June 27, 2020 Board meeting were read by Heather Caulley. Motion
to approve without revisions made by Ed Koehler and seconded by Verna Thompson.
Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Liz Becher reviewed the 2020 YTD Actual to Budget Financial
report through August 1, 2020.
Revenue YTD Actual Budget
General Membership (125) $12,000 $12,500
Boat Slips $16,450 $16,000
Canoe/Kayak $400 $400
Other (Boat app) $100 $100
TOTAL REVENUE $28,850 $29,000
Expenses by Major Category; YTD Actual Budget
• Real Estate Taxes; $13,960 $14,150
• MN Power; $302.91 $400
• Dock Material/Dock Preservation $4,567.03 $2,500
• Lot(s) Preservation; $3,959.95 $4,000
• Park Maintenance/Upgrades; $11,253.36 $6,000
• Postage/Post Office Fee; $340.77 $500
• Seasonal Dock/Lift; $2,445 $4500
• Association Dues; $50 $100
• Liability Insurance; $0 $2,150
• Bank Fees; $14 $150
TOTAL EXPENSES $36,893.02 $34,430
Checking Balance as of 6.5.2020 $ 39,413.88
Donations $ 0
General Membership 120 125 @ $100
Paid Boat Slip Members 32 32 @ $500
Paid Canoe Slip 8 8 @ $50
Boat Slip App 4 1 @ $100
YTD Financial Notes:

  • Blakeman cleaning weekly.
    Respectfully Submitted, Liz Becher, Cinosam Treasurer 8.1.2020
    Motion to approve budget as submitted made by Kathy Becker and seconded by Ed
    Koehler. Motion carried.

Committee Reports
Boat Committee
Big shout out to this team for the swim docks and placement of the benches, especially
Terry Slack as he was very instrumental in this. Great job on the buoys and roping off
the swim area.
Discussed the desire to add more dock sections and another bench to the end of each
boat dock at Cinosam and at Round Lake. It was estimated that this may cost around
$5000. Tim Vescio will work to facilitate this; noting that if it can be done this year, it
would be great. Motion to approve made by John Klauck and seconded by Joey
Halvorson. Motion carried.
It was noted that there is one un-used slip on Outlot 2. It was also vacant last year. The
Committee will follow-up.
Parks/ Maintenance
Rebecca Maddox volunteered to stain the steps on Outlot 4. The Board thanks her for
this. It was noted that there may be more work needed, than just staining.
Boots fixed the fence and removed trees in the park. It was noted that his work is greatly
Unfinished business
In order to remain compliant with set-backs from the high-water mark, either the
satellite toilet shelter must be removed from the shed or the entire structure moved back
5 feet. Boots will remove the satellite toilet shelter.
New Business
Election Results for 2021
o 34 Ballots were received
o 3 vacant Board positions (Verna Thompson, Kelly Spratt, and Jenna Riley)
were filled by Kelly Spratt, Tricia Kane and Mary Jo Ohlin. These will be a 3-
year term, beginning September 2020 – ending August 2023.
o Officer positions – 1-year terms
 Tim Vescio – President
 Mark McDonald – Vice-president
 Treasurer – Liz Becher
 Secretary – Heather Caulley
o Many thanks to the outgoing board members and officers for their work on
the Board.

Park Pavilion/structure – Additional discussion regarding this occurred. This was
not brought to the July 4 th celebration. Tom Whitehead is willing to get a bid on
supplies and perhaps champion the building of it. Other considerations discussed
were impact to property taxes and the need to have electricity in the structure. More
details to follow next year.

Beach Restoration bids – As previously noted, one bid was received from a Cinosam
resident for $18,500. Verna Thompson received another bid for approx. $24,000.
Boots also discussed a vision for the beach restoration and access to the boat docks;
he will put together a bid, also.
 Other items requested for consideration were Adirondack chairs for the top of Gull
Lake beach, another Lilly Pad for Round Lake beach.
It was noted that Cinosam Club does maintain membership in the Gull Chain of Lakes
Association (GCOLA) and the Round Lake Association.
New resident, Misty, shared a desire to organize a Fun Run on the 4 th of July, 2021.
Proposing perhaps a 5 or 10K run, entry fees to go to Cinosam Club; open to family and
friends of Cinosam. More to come on this.
Next Meeting
Next Meeting will be Saturday, September 5th.
Oktoberfest will be Saturday, October 3 rd
Motion to adjourn the meeting made by John Klauck and seconded by Liz Becher.
Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45AM.
Respectfully Submitted by Heather Caulley