Board Minutes Special Meeting 07-14-2018

Cinosam Club Special Meeting Approved Minutes: July 14, 2018

The Cinosam Club Board held a special meeting on July 14th to discuss and approve Rules and Regulations related to members, dues, boat slips and the boat slip waiting list. Implementation of the rules and regulations adopted at the meeting will be delayed or withdrawn pending Board review and resolutions related to recommendations delivered in July 2019 by he newly-appointed Board Rules and Regulations Committee.

Meeting called to order at 9:00AM at the home of Steve Bredeson.

Attended by Board Members:  Mark McDonald, Ron McKitterick, Julie Carroll, Verna Thompson, Tom Whitehead, Steve Bredeson, Jenna Whitehead.

Board Members not in Attendance: Liz Becher, Richard Dillman, Marc Kmecik, Kelly Spratt, John Klauk, Ed Koehler.

The following decisions were unanimously approved by all board members in attendance and will be incorporated into the Cinosam Club Rules and Regulations document and distributed to the Members.

Statement of Intent: A statement of intent will be added to the Cinosam Club Rules and Regulations affirming that the purpose of this document is to allow as many Members as possible to enjoy the privilege of leasing a boat slip and avoid tying up a slip for generations within a single family.

Members and Dues: Members will be all owners of a tax parcel (with a dwelling or an empty lot) that have paid their dues. Owners who in name own more than one tax parcel will only be responsible for one payment. To be recognized as a Member, dues and fees must be paid by January 31 of the current year. Invoices will be sent out to all Owners annually.

Boat Slip Lessee or Wait List Participant: The named person (or legal couple) listed as the Boat Slip Lessee or Wait List Participant will be Cinosam Member that is part of the legal property/plat title on the Crow Wing county records and mist be of legal age. For the Boat Slip Lessees or Wait List Participants who are listed as a family, trust, corporation or other legal entity there will be a one-time request this year for the name of the person associated with the family or legal entity to be used on the slip or list. This will be the name that will remain assigned to the slip or list and cannot change. If this person (couple) leaves Cinosam or dies the boat slip or place on the list will be forfeited. If a couple is listed and one dies, leaves, is divorced, the remaining individual will remain a lessee/wait listed. Lessees and Wait List Participants must be current with all dues and fees.

Gull vs. Round Lake:  Each person on the Boat Slip Wait List will be contacted this year to decide whether they would take a slip on Round Lake if one becomes available before a boat slip on Gull. This information will be on file and you will not be contacted again if a boat slip on Round is available. Members who accept a slip on Round Lake can remain on the wait list if a boat slip on Gull becomes available.

Wait List Fee: A $100 deposit will be required of all Wait List Participants effective with the 2019 dues payment schedule. This is a one-time non-refundable fee that will be applied to the maintenance fee required when a Member receives a slip. If we do not receive the $100 deposit by January 1, 2019 your name will be removed from the Boat Slip Wait List.

Boat Slip Assignment: When a boat slip becomes available on Round or Gull, the next person on the list will be contacted by mail (address on file) and email (email address on file). They will have 15 days from the contact date to determine whether they will accept the slip and we receive payment of all related fees. It is important that you keep all contact information current. If we do not receive notice of acceptance and payment within 15 days, we will remove your name from the list, you will forfeit the $100 deposit and the next person on the list will be contacted. If you decline the available boat slip, you will be removed from the Boat Slip Waiting List and will need to reapply and submit $100 deposit.

Enforcement of Unpaid Dues & Fees:  If dues and fees for a boat slip lessee or wait list participant have not been received by January 31st they will be notified immediately by email (if email address on file) and by FedEx signed delivery (address on file) that if we do not receive payment within 30 days, they will forfeit their slip or place on the wait list. Wait list deposits will not be returned. If they want to be re-listed on the Boat Slip Waiting List they will have to reapply and submit $100 deposit.

Non-Use of Boat Slip: Should a boat slip remain vacant/unused (boat not in slip) for a period of one season, the lessee will be notified and given the choice to forfeit or use the slip the following year. A notification will be sent by email (email address on file) and by FedEx signed delivery (address on file) and a response will be expected. If the slip is not used the following season, the Board and Boat Captain will determine the next steps. If due to personal hardship, it is the intent of the lessee to not use the slip over a season, they can notify the Board and Boat Captain and they will determine how the slip can be used for the season.

Insurance Coverage:  Proof of property/liability insurance on all boats in lifts is required and a copy of the policy (declarations page) must be emailed each year with your annual payment of dues and fees. These documents will be kept on file for reference if needed.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:20AM.

Submitted by Julie Carroll.