Board Minutes 05-05-2018

Cinosam Club Unapproved Minutes: May 5, 2018

Meeting called to order at 9:00AM by President Mark McDonald.

Attended by Board Members:  Mark McDonald, Ron McKitterick, Julie Carroll, Liz Becher, Verna Thompson. A quorum was not present.

Board Members not in Attendance: Tom Whitehead, Richard Dillman, Marc Kmecik, Kelly Spratt, Patty Rivard, Steve Bredeson, John Klauk, Jenna Whitehead.

Minutes:  Minutes from the October 7th 2017 meeting were read by Julie Carroll. The October minutes will be approved at the June meeting. The previously adopted minutes of the September 2nd 2017 meeting will be amended at the June meeting to remove the last sentence of the CLARC report stated in error.

Treasurer’s Report:  Liz Becher distributed the 2017 Year-End Financial Report and YTD Actual to Budget Financial Report for May 2018. 2017 Revenue was $28,685 and expenses were $35,652. The $6,967 budget overage was due mainly to the dock fire repairs and lot preservation/steps initiatives. May Revenue is $21,000 and YTD expenses are $10,471. Property taxes have been paid in full. It was noted that the income from dues was at less than 50% of budget. We may want to send out reminders. Liz does not anticipate any expenses that will put us over budget this year. The Treasurer’s reports will be approved at the June meeting.

Committee Reports:


It was suggested we post a new boat waiting list. It was also suggested that we communicate that Kayak and Canoe racks are available for $50 on Gull and Round lakes. Request forms are available on the racks.


Boots said he will begin the planning for the new steps and deck configuration on Cinosam beach. The 2018 budget includes $5,000 for this effort as approved at the October board meeting.

Liz will purchase a Lily Pad, two cylinder buoys and three orange balls for the swimming area. These are also in the 2018 budget and approved at the October board meeting.

New Business

Jerrett Leas has resigned as Boat Captain. We are in search of a replacement.

Patty Rivard has moved and resigned from the Board. We are in search of a replacement for a 3-year term and will approach Ed Koehler who ran for a 2018 board position.

The park pump has been started. Thanks to the Von Mauer family the park has undergone a spring cleaning.

It was suggested that we assemble a Welcome Package and a corresponding visit for new Cinosam residents. Julie Carroll will prepare a package for approval at the next meeting and Verna Thompson and Janet Banick will volunteer to plan the visits.

Verna Thompson will look into the possibility for placement of a porta potty at the park.

Announcements None.

Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 10:30AM.

The next board meeting will be on Saturday, June 2nd at 9:00AM in the park.


Submitted by Julie Carroll.