Board Minutes 06-03-2017

Cinosam Club Approved Minutes: June 3, 2017

Meeting called to order at 9:00AM by President Mark McDonald.

Attended by Board Members:  Ron McKitterick, John Klauk, Tim Vescio, Marc Kmecik, Tom Whitehead, Ginny Wendt Richard Dillman and Julie Carroll.

Board Members not in Attendance: Kelly Sprat, Mark Walters, Steve Bredeson and Kathy Becker.

Minutes:  from the May 6, 2017 meeting were read by Julie Carroll. Motion to approve, as amended, by Marc Kmecik, second by Richard Dillman.

Treasurer’s Report:  Tim Vescio read the May YTD Actual to Budget Financial Report. Dues were collected from 100 members versus a budget of 124 for a $2,400 shortfall. Mark will follow-up on outstanding dues and encouraged members to do the same. Tim will follow-up with Kelly on GALA and Round Lake membership dues. Revenue is $26,150 and expenses YTD are $16,515. Motion to approve by Tim Vescio, second by Tom Whitehead.

Committee Reports:

SAC Boots will move the dock sections from the park to Verna’s.


Diane Dillman noted that all of the out lots need attention due to erosion. She suggested planting bushes, leaving tree stumps in when trees are removed, adding rocks and rip raff, and filling in the holes to hold the banks in place. Diane recommended that heavier wood be used on the future steps for lots 2 and 3. The steps on lot 4 are breaking away and the railing is loose. Mark and Boots will replace.

Parks The park pump is up and running and Mark will put in the hose.

Tim Vescio and Ginny Wendt will see that the steps on lots 3 and 4 are completed.

Boots said all fences are completed. This summer he will concentrate on laying mulch on Round Lake Park, painting the swing set and building a woodshed.

Unfinished Business Thank you to Elaine McKitterick for planting the Ladies Club donated flowers in the park and to Ken and Marilyn Kunze for planting the flowers by the sign.

A motion was made by John Klauk to use the general fund to replace the swim dock and ladder immediately with the construction at Jarret’s discretion. Ron McKitterick seconded. Motion carried.

The annual hosting cost of $58 for the Cinosam Club website was paid for and donated by Julie Carroll.

New Business Ben Stemler (carver) will fill the holes in the eagle carving with branches and filler. There is money in the Eagle Fund but he will complete the work at no charge.

Tom Whitehead is in the process of completing the Cinosam park sign. John Klauk will email him a high-def vector file for the vinyl side and Julie Carroll will take care of painting the wooden side. An additional sign saying “Paid Members Only” will be included.

Tom Whitehead will count, sort and replace the Cinosam flags if needed before the 4th of July celebration. The club will reimburse him.

John Klauk suggested we add a listing of the dues, fees and due dates to the website. Julie Carroll will follow-up.

The 4th of July celebration planning is proceeding on schedule. Mark will be out of town and Tim will preside.

Board nominees will be brought forward at the July meeting. Terms are expiring for Mark Walters, Ginny Wendt and Tom Whitehead. All are encouraged to run for additional terms or recruit others. Bios will be submitted with the ballots.

A motion was made by Tim Vescio to purchase two low-maintenance recycled plastic picnic tables to be used as an example of what will be used for future purchases. Tom Whitehead seconded. Motion carried.

Paddle boats on shore was discussed. Mark asked those interested to submit a plan for board review.

Announcements Octoberfest is scheduled for Saturday, September 30.

Adjournment Motion to adjourn by Tim Vescio, second by Richard Dillman at 10:36AM.

Submitted by Julie Carroll in Kathy Becker’s absence.