Cinosam Board Meeting – Saturday, June 3


The June Board Meeting will be held Saturday June 3rd at 9 AM in the park.  In Case of rain, we will move it across the street to Mark’s garage or Julie’s house next to the park .

The CINOSAM CLUB AGENDA for June 3rd 2017

  1. Call to order.
  2. Roll call of board members
  3. Reading of minutes from May 6th  meeting
  4. Treasurer’s report
  5. Committee reports
  6. Unfinished business
    1. Ladies Club $100 donation for flowers
    2. Swim Dock Replacement
    3. Website annual costs
    4. New Residents in the clu
  7.  New Business
    1. 4th of July
    2. Election
  8.  Announcements
    Oktoberfest is on Saturday Sep 30th
  9.  Adjournment
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