Boats & Docks Update – All Cinosam Boats off by October 7th

Trevor would like all Cinosam boats off the lifts and out of the water by October 7th.  He will be in to do our dock work shortly after that, with weather always being a factor in his schedule.

This year, Jarrett will be tagging each boat lift with a simple number tag prior to removal in October.  The tag will have only a printed number on it, identifying which slip the lift belongs in, and this number will also correlate to a master Cinosam Club diagram he will keep of our boat slips.  On this diagram, he will have boat owners name and contact info.  He asks that the tags be left attached to each lift, or if the owner prefers it moved to another location on the lift, that is fine.  The tags will be a light plastic, fasted with a zip tie and should not cause any damage from wind or corrosion.

An updated Boat Slip Waiting List will also be posted on the website under Boats and Docks.

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