Operating Budget vs. Actual – August 2016 YTD

2016 Approved Operating Budget Board of Director Approval on 10/3/15

Cinosam Club

2016 Operating Budget

Fiscal Year January 1, 2016 – December 31, 2016

YTD Aug 2016


Revenue                                           YTD Actual                        Budget

General Membership                         $11,800                                   $11,500

Boat Slips                                             $16,000                                   $16,000

Canoe/Kayak                                       $100                                        $500

Other                                                     $343                                        $400

                TOTAL REVENUE                  $28,393                              $28,400                    

Expenses by Major Category;      YTD Actual                              Budget

  • Real Estate Taxes;                                  $11,886                                   $13,000
  • MN Power;                                               $249.66                                  $600
  • Dock Material/Dock Preservation      $2,258.67                               $5,000
  • Lot(s) Preservation;                               $4,179.90                               $8,000
  • Postage/Post Office Fee;                       $112                                         $100
  • Seasonal Dock/Lift;                               $3,037.45                               $4,300
  • Cinosam Celebrations;                          $358.65                                  $300
  • Association Dues;                                   $50                                          $150
  • Liability Insurance;                                                                                 $1,100
  • Bank Fees;                                                                                                 $35 

TOTAL EXPENSES                                $22,162.33                        $32,585


Checking Balance as of 8.1.16                      $40,104.12 Donations Received

CD                                                                      $1,782.00

EAGLE CARVING (as of 8.31.16)

Revenue and Expenses not reflected in above detail

Revenue                                $3,908

Expenses to Date                $3,148.85

BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS         Actual YTD                  Budget

General Membership                        118                                      115 @ $100

Paid Canoe

Paid Boat Slip Members                   32                                         32 @   $500

Paid Canoe Slip                                  5                                           10 @   $50


Respectfully Submitted, 8.31.16

Kelly J. Spratt, Cinosam Treasurer