Volunteer Opportunities by Diane Dillman

Cinosam parkVolunteering is a Cinosam tradition and it keeps our dues low.  There are both physical and administrative needs.  Many things need upkeep.  Help out friends and neighbors and work with them to better our special neighborhood.

Please choose an item; contact a board member if you need special supplies.   They may be available.  If you have questions just ask.  If nothing is needed, proceed with the job.

Weeding – Removal of Hoary Alyssum, Goats Beard, and especially Ragweed on all properties is very important.  Weeds complete with the native flowers and grasses we are trying to encourage.  Ragweed also makes allergy sufferers sick.   These pictures will help to make identification easier:


Hoary Alyssum




Goat’s Beard


Stinging Nettle

Diane Dillman has plant identification books to borrow.  Poison Ivy needs killing on club property.  See it; poison it.

Cinosam’s To-Do List – September 2016

Gull Lake Park

  • Clear Seaweed (not rocks) off beach and toss onto bare areas of hillside to nourish the ground.
  • Pull weeds on beach including Burdock and Ragweed.  Leave Canada Anemone growing.
  • Stain sitting benches.
  • Replace rotted wood beams at base of stairs and repair tool stand.
  • Repair bulletin boards.  See Tom Whitehead or Boots.
  • Mortar/resurface cement steps.  Sweep steps periodically for safety.  Throw sand back onto hillside.
  • Replace rotted wood, clean out, fill and stain tables.
  • Build new bike rack.
  • Trim bushes on shore for fall.  Rake out gardens, and trim perennials.
  • Check over playground equipment for safety.  Fix or report problems.  Rake area.
  • Water flowers at park.  Plug in pump and turn on faucet.  Hose should be hung on pole.

Round Lake

  • Pull weeds.  Cut Cottonwood saplings on shore.
  • Scrape and paint table.

Lot 2

  • Pull weeds on shore.  Pick up dead branches and any garbage.

Lot 3

  • Trim trees back from steps to aid in walking down.
  • Sweep, clear steps of pine needles.
  • Weed Goat’s Beard, Ragweed, etc.

Lot 4

  • Help trim bushes in the fall if needed.


  • Soil and water will not allow removal of live trees on shore.  Vegetation helps to prevent erosion or pollution helping to sustain fish population.
  • Large sign on 371 needs power wash and painting.
  • Signs on properties need painting in letters and marine varnish.

Any needed material will be provided/paid for by the Cinosam Club.  Please contact Diane Dillman for information or tell Boots you are available to help at the park when needed.

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