Board Meeting Saturday May 4, 2024


  1. Call to Order and roll call of board members – confirm quorum (7 of 12)
    President: Tim Vescio Vice President: Mark McDonald
    Secretary Heather Thompson Acting Treasurer: Julie Carroll
    John Klauck   Mary Jo Ohlin
    Marc Kmecik    Blair McKibbon
    Kathy Becker   Sylvie Letts
    Ed Koehler Mary Dykes
  2. Board Meeting – Action item
     September 2, 2023 Board Meeting minutes – review and approval
     October 22, 2023 Board Action minutes – review and approval
  3. Acting Treasurer – Julie Carroll
     Of note: Liz Becher has moved out of Cinosam; Julie has kindly offered to
    perform Treasurer duties for the remainder of Liz’s term
     Discussion:
    o Liz bought a tote to put all the documents and receipts I have in along with
    keys and the money bag/checkbook and gave it to Mark
    o Liz’s NOTES for the first meeting:
    Yearly property taxes were paid in full today. They are up to $17,108 for the year. 
    I had to decrease some of the dock and park maintenance budget categories to not
    exceed the expected revenue by too much. 
    With taxes now taking 50%+ of the budget, may want to discuss increasing dues. Too
    much of an increase may discourage participation…but taxes have more than doubled
    since I started as treasurer. 
    Someone will need to be checking the mailbox. 
    Once a new treasurer is identified, we’ll have to meet at US Bank in person to remove
    me from the account and add them. I’ll turn in my debit card as well. 
     Action Items
    o 2023 Operating Budget Final report – reading and approval
    o 2024 Operating Budget planning
  4. New Business
     Use of WAVE invoicing software – Heather and Blair
    o Second year in a year for annual dues
    o While it may be helpful for tracking who has paid dues and boat fees, it has
    increased the administrative burden for annual mailings at the start of year
    and for annual meeting
     Additionally, it is not a comprehensive tool for tracking all Club business
    o Plan to revert to the use of the spreadsheet
     Heather has maintained updated addresses, though end of 2023
    that can be leveraged for going forward
    o Verify if electronic payment can still be processed via link on
     Election Planning – start early
    o Upcoming Board Member seat vacancies –
     Three Board positions plus a one-year position to fill the position vacated
    by Tom Froyum
     Four Officer Positions

o Public solicitation of candidates should be posted by the first Sunday of June
(June 2 nd , 2024)
o Notification to Board no later than the first weekend in July, prior to the
annual meeting
 Confirmation of Annual Nonprofit filing with State/Crow Wing County – Mark

  1. Committee reports
     Boat Committee
    o March 30 th Boat Committee Meeting recap
    o Update on Boat Slip Waiting List
     Parks/Maintenance
  2. Old Business
     IRS filing
  3. Next Meeting June 1st, 2024
     2024 Meeting Dates
     June 1st
     July 6th
     Annual Meeting, August 3rd
     September 2
     2024 Celebration Dates
     July 4 (Thursday)
     Oktoberfest TBD
  4. Adjournment
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