Cinosam Club Minutes July 1, 2023
- Meeting called to order at 9:02AM by President, Tim Vescio
Attended by Board Members: Heather Thompson, Blair McKibbon, John Klauck, Mary Jo Ohlin, Liz Becher, Tom Froyum, Sylvie Letts, Tricia Kane, Kathy Becker
Board Members not in Attendance:
Ed Koehler, Marc Kmecik, Mark McDonald
A quorum was confirmed
- Minutes:
Minutes from the June 3, 2023 Board Meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Sylvie Letts and seconded by John Klauck. Motion carried.
- Treasurer’s Report: Liz Becher reviewed the 2023 Operating Budget
YTD Actual to Budget Financial report through July 2023. Revenue is unfavorable to budget; YTD actual $28,450. – budget is $29,750. Expenses are favorable to budget; YTD actual $18,949.97 – budget is $34,696. Checking balance is $32,092.45
Still awaiting bill from Trevor for dock reconfiguration work on Lot 2
Motion to approve 2023 Operating Budget YTD Actual to Budget Financial report
made by Kathy Becker and seconded by Mary Jo Ohlin. Motion carried
Blair gave an update on the Federal tax-exempt status filing. We have not filed within the required period so need to requalify and refile. Retroactive Filing Fees will likely need to be paid. Going forward, this will need to be done annually, when the state filing is done.
Discussed WAVE and the intent to set-up a credit card payment option for the 2024 Club Dues/Fees Invoice cycle. A 3% processing fee is assessed per transaction.
It was discussed whether the Club could absorb the fee and not pass it on to the members or whether it could be noted as an “option processing fee” on the invoice. No decision was made.
- New Business
- July 4th Celebrations! (Tuesday)
- Second Annual Cinosam Fun Run – July 4th
- Misty Nielson is the organizer
- This is a walk, run, or bike event
- 5K – July 4th from 9-10
- Signs will be posted
- Parade at 11 followed by potluck
- Parade – no-one volunteered for judging/prizes
- Mark Elson is on deck for the food
- Discussed the topic of dogs on beach and where they can and cannot be
- They are discouraged from being on the main Cinosam beach or swim docks
- Recommend that members exercise their dogs at one of the Outlots or Round Lake Park
- Discussed that Cinosam Club Gull Lake or Round Lake Parks do not have trash service and does not plan to purchase trash services. Members are encouraged to empty the trash can(s) when needed.
- It was noted that various neighbors have reached out to ask if they could pay dues and join the Club. The Board shared that this is not a new issue and maintains the position that you must live at a Cinosam eligible address to pay dues and have access to Club privileges.
- Committee reports
- Boat Committee
- Outlot 2 Dock re-work: Tim proposed that the Board consider pro-rating the annual boat lease fee to the two Club members that were impacted by the loss of slip time for the season. Motion to approve a 50% refund made by Heather Thompson and seconded by Liz Becher. Motion carried. Liz will send refunds to Gary Zurn and Tom Schreier.
- Going forward, as docks need replacement, they will be replaced with aluminum. It was noted that a number of docks need work.
- The Boat Slip Layout with Name/Contact resource document was updated: still missing a few slips/lease names
- No changes to the Boat Slip Waiting List
- Parks/Maintenance
- Gull Lake Park – Many thanks to the Von Mauer family for paying for this service for all these years
- The Lily Pads are often left in the lake and get trashed by ducks, etc. It was suggested that if the storage brackets were closer to the swim platform, it would be easier to store them.
- Old Business
- Election Planning/Candidate Update
- Upcoming Board Member seat vacancies –
- Three Board positions: Mary Jo Ohlin, Tricia Kane and Sylvie Letts
- Mary Jo and Sylvie will run again
- Tricia will not run again
- Mary Dykes announced candidacy
- Four Officer Positions
- Tim Vescio, Liz Becher and Heather Thompson will run again
- Three Board positions: Mary Jo Ohlin, Tricia Kane and Sylvie Letts
- Upcoming Board Member seat vacancies –
- Annual Meeting August 5th, 2023
- 2023 Meeting Dates
- September 2
- 2023 Celebration Dates
- Oktoberfest TBD
- Adjournment
Motion for adjournment made by Sylvie Letts and seconded by Mary Jo Ohlin. The meeting was adjourned at 9:51 AM.
Respectfully Submitted by Heather Thompson