Agenda for Saturday 7/1/2023 Board Meeting

  1. Call to Order and roll call of board members – confirm quorum (7 of 13)
    President: Tim Vescio Vice President: Mark McDonald
    Secretary Heather Thompson Treasurer: Liz Becher
    John Klauck   Ed Koehler
    Marc Kmecik    Mary Jo Ohlin
    Kathy Becker   Blair McKibbon
    Tricia Kane Sylvie Letts
    Tom Froyum
  2. Board Meeting – Action item
     June 3, 2023 Board Meeting minutes – reading and approval
  3. Treasurer /Finance
     Action Items
    o 2023 Operating Budget YTD Actual to Budget
     EIN Filing form 990 for federal tax-exempt status.
    o No need to file any amended returns for previous years
    o Going forward, this should be filed yearly if we want to maintain a tax-
    exempt status

 WAVE and credit card payment set-up

  1. New Business
     July 4 th Celebrations! (Tuesday)
     Second Annual Cinosam Fun Run – July 4th
     Misty Nielson is the organizer
     This is a walk, run, or bike event
     5K – July 4th from 9-10
     Signs will be posted
     Parade at 11 followed by potluck
     Parade – winners/prizes
     Food
     Signs are in the shed; Heather will post them
     Dogs on beach – where can they be and where can’t they be?
     Garbage pick-up
     Neighbors wanting to join Club
  2. Committee reports
     Boat Committee
    o Boat Slip Layout Updated: still missing 6 slips/lease names
    o Boat Slip Waiting List
     Parks/Maintenance
    o Gull Lake Park – Many thanks to the Von Mauer family for paying for this
    service for all these years – Zack McKay
    o Is this to continue or C&B or other?
  3. Old Business
     Election Planning/Candidate Update
    o Upcoming Board Member seat vacancies –
     Three Board positions: Mary Jo Ohlin, Tricia Kane and Sylvie Letts
    o Mary Jo and Sylvie will run again
    o Tricia will not run again
    o Mary Sykes announced candidacy
    o Others?
     Four Officer Positions
     Tim Vescio, Liz Becher and Heather Thompson will run again
    o Public solicitation of candidates should be posted by the first Sunday of June

o (June 4 th, 2023)
o Notification to Board no later than July 5 th prior to the annual meeting

  1. Annual Meeting August 5th, 2023
     2023 Meeting Dates
     September 2
     2023 Celebration Dates
     Oktoberfest TBD
  2. Adjournment
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