Cinosam Board Meeting Agenda – June 4th 2022

Call to Order and roll call of board members – confirm quorum (7 of 13)
President: Tim Vescio Vice President: Mark McDonald
Secretary: Heather Thompson Treasurer: Liz Becher
John Klauck Kathy Becker
Marc Kmecik Ed Koehler
Kelly Spratt Mary Jo Ohlin
Tricia Kane Blair McKibbon
Tom Froyum

Board Meeting – Action item
• May 7, 2022 Board Meeting minutes – reading and approval

• Action Items
o 2022 Operating Budget YTD

New Business
• Association management software vendor
• Election Planning – start early
o Upcoming Board Member seat vacancies –
• Three Board positions: Marc, Tom, and Ed’s terms expire this year
• Four Officer Positions
o Public solicitation of candidates should be posted by the first Sunday of June
(June 5th, 2022)
o Notification to Board no later than July 5th
o Marc, Tom, Ed, Sylvie Letts and Ken Kunze have declared their intent to run for a Board position
o Tim, Liz and Heather will run for President, Treasurer and Secretary, respectively
• Confirmation of Annual Nonprofit filing with State/Crow Wing County
• Paine Ave Road maintenance – scheduled for mid-June (Tricia)

Committee reports
• Boat Committee
• Parks/Maintenance
o Beach restoration project
• Volunteer List

Old Business
• Research need for, and prices of, an umbrella policy for liability insurance – is this still pending?

Next Meeting July 2nd, 2022
• 2022 Meeting Dates
 August 6 Annual Meeting
 September 3
• 2022 Celebration Dates
 July 4 (Monday)
 Oktoberfest TBD


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