Board Minutes 09-05-2020

Cinosam Club Approved Minutes September 5, 2020
Meeting called to order at 9:08AM by President Tim Vescio
Attended by Board Members:  Mark McDonald, Tom Froyum, Heather Thompson,
Ed Koehler, Kathy Becker, Tricia Kane, Mary Jo Ohlin
Board Members not in Attendance: Marc Kmecik, Kelly Spratt, Liz Becher, John
A quorum was present.

Minutes from the August 1, 2020 Annual Meeting were read by Ed Koehler. Motion to
approve with revisions, clarifying that the term for the new board members begins after
the Annual meeting and ends in August 2023, was made by Tricia Kane and seconded by
Tom Froyum. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Tim Vescio reviewed the 2020 YTD Actual to Budget Financial
report through September 4, 2020.
Cinosam Club
2020 Operating Budget
Fiscal Year January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020
Actual to Budget thru 9.4.2020
Revenue YTD Actual Budget
General Membership (125) $12,100 $12,500
Boat Slips $16,450 $16,000
Canoe/Kayak $450 $400
Other (Boat app) $400 $100
TOTAL REVENUE $29,400 $29,000
Expenses by Major Category; YTD Actual Budget
• Real Estate Taxes; $13,960 $14,150
• MN Power; $336.59 $400
• Dock Material/Dock Preservation $7,006.11 $2,500
• Lot(s) Preservation; $4,173.47 $4,000
• Park Maintenance/Upgrades; $12,916.59 $6,000
• Postage/Post Office Fee; $340.77 $500
• Seasonal Dock/Lift; $2,445 $4500
• Association Dues; $50 $100
• Liability Insurance; $1,175 $2,150
• Bank Fees; $14 $150
TOTAL EXPENSES $42,417.53 $34,430
Checking Balance as of 9.4.2020 $ 34,339.37
Donations $ 100
General Membership 121 125 @ $100
Paid Boat Slip Members 32 32 @ $500
Paid Canoe Slip 9 8 @ $50
Boat Slip App 4 1 @ $100
YTD Financial Notes:

  • Blakeman cleaning weekly
  • New dock areas and benches
  • Beach cleaning supplies
  • Finally got billed and paid for extra swing set section by Rainbow
    Officers liability insurance paid
    Respectfully Submitted, Liz Becher, Cinosam Treasurer 9.4.2020
    Motion to approve budget as submitted made by Tricia Kane and seconded by Tom
    Froyum. Motion carried.
    Tim Vescio shared that cost for the new docks and benches on Gull came in around
    $4,000. That does not include labor for building and installation; this was donated by
    Terry Slack. Many thanks to Terry for all his contributions. Due to a shortage of
    materials, the Round Lake docks will be completed next year.
    A question was raised regarding what Blakeman charges for the weekly cleaning fee of
    the satellite toilet.
  • Committee Reports
     Boat Committee
    Ginny Wendt was unable to attend but sent a note stating that there are a few new
    applicants for the Boat Slip Waiting List.
    Going forward, the management of the buoys, ropes, etc., will be managed by Trevor.
    It was noted that there continues to be an unoccupied boat slip on an Out lot. The lessee
    has a boat lift in the slip; no boat has been in the lift for a full 2 years. Tim Vescio
    discussed the issue with the lessee; no resolution was reached. The Boat Committee will
    send a letter to the individual, via FedEx signed delivery, notifying him that per the Boat
    and Dock Regulations the slip will be offered to the next eligible individual beginning
    with the 2021 season.
     Parks/ Maintenance
    The equipment to maintain the parks was purchased. The wheelbarrows need to be put
    Tricia Kane completed research on the cost of Adirondack chairs and presented a
    proposal for weather resistant chairs (20 years warranty) made from milk jugs. Two sets
    of 2 chairs/table will be purchased at the cost of $649.each. The Board had previously
    given her authorization to purchase these and restated their support. Tricia will
    purchase them this year. They will need to be anchored/cabled in place Ed Koehler
    volunteered to help. The chairs will be placed on top of the hill, one on each end of the
    overlook to the beach.

Oktoberfest Planning

Saturday, October 3 rd
Ed can bring his PA system
Jenna does some of the planning; whomever arrives first can do the set-up
Old Business
Park Pavilion/structure is tabled until next year; Tom Whitehead is gathering
New Business
Heather Thompson shared that the Cinosam Club website is still down. She has worked
with Mark K, Julie C and Charlene K, without success. It was noted that this website is a
priority for sending club communications and we need to do whatever we can to get it
up and running. Tom Ohlin stated he may be able to help. Heather will send the login
information to him.
It was also noted that maintaining communications/marketing/media specialist is a big
responsibility for the secretary position to support, in addition to the other duties.
Heather asked if the Board would consider another position to support these activities.
The Board supports this and recommended posting a request for support of these
activities, on the Facebook site. This can also be discussed at Oktoberfest.
A brief discussion occurred, regarding Airbnb rentals in Cinosam and what park
privileges a renter has access to. It was noted that if the landlord of a short-term rental
has paid the annual dues, the renters may use the park; for long-term rentals, if the
landlord or renter has paid the annual dues, the renter may use the park. The park is
open to any dues paying member. It may be used for family reunions, BBQs, etc. No
camping is allowed.
It was noted that the Bylaws, from 2009, may need to be assessed for potential
revisions. Ed Koehler stated he would be interested in working on a committee to do

Next Meeting
Next meeting will be the first Saturday in May of 2021
Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Ed Koehler and seconded by Tom Froyum.
Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:05AM.
Respectfully Submitted by Heather Thompson