Agenda for Saturday May 1, 2021 Board Meeting

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll call of board members
    Presidents: Tim Vescio
    Vice President: Mark McDonald
    Secretary Heather Thompson
    Treasurer: Liz Becher
    John Klauck  
    Kathy Becker  
    Marc Kmecik   
    Tom Froyum  
    Ed Koehler
    Kelly Spratt
    Mary Jo Ohlin
    Tricia Kane
  3. Board Meeting approvals
     September 5, 2020 Board Meeting minutes – reading and approval
     March, 2021 Approval of Additional Docks – Electronic Board Meeting
    minutes – reading and approval
  4. Treasurer’s report – reading and approval
     2021 Budget YTD
  5. New Business/Announcements
     Upcoming Board Member seat vacancies
    o Kathy, Tim and John’s terms expire this year.
    o We currently do not have nine (9) additional Directors
    o Governing Bylaws excerpt:
    Section 1  The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, Vice President,
    Secretary, Treasurer, and nine (9) additional Directors.  The offices of the Secretary
    and the Treasurer may be held by the same person if the Club so elects. All officers
    are Directors.
    Section 2  The officers and Directors shall be elected by secret (paper) ballot at the
    annual meeting. Public solicitation of candidates shall be posted by the first Sunday
    in June.

 Cinosam Club website
 Confirmation of Annual Nonprofit filing with State/Crow Wing County
 100 Year Anniversary!!!!!
 Fun Run on the 4 th of July, 2021 – Misty
o Proposing perhaps a 5 or 10K run, entry fees to go to Cinosam Club; open
to family and friends of Cinosam.

  1. Committee reports
     Boat Committee
    o Boat Slip Waiting List

 Parks/Maintenance
o Beach restoration project

  1. Old business
     Park Pavilion/structure – Tom Whitehead
  2. Next Meeting June 5th, 2021
  3. Adjournment
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