Board Minutes 05-02-2020

Board Minutes 05/02/2020

Cinosam Club Approved Minutes May 2nd, 2020

Meeting called to order at approximately 9:08 by Co-President Tom Whitehead, later joined by Tim Vescio.

Attended by Board Members:  Heather Caulley, Liz Becher, John Klauck, Verna Thompson, Marc Kmecik, Ed Koehler, Kelly Spratt, Jenna Riley, Mark McDonald.

Board Members not in Attendance: Kathy Becker and Tom Froyum.

It was noted that a quorum was present.


The September 7th, 2019 Board meeting draft minutes were presented.

It was noted there were no minutes recorded for the October 12th, 2019 Board meeting. No Board action took place. A quorum was not present.

The April 11th, 2020 Board meeting draft minutes were presented.

Motion to approve both sets of minutes, without revisions, was made by Kelly Spratt; motion seconded by Tom Whitehead. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s report

Liz Becher presented the final 2019 budget

2019 Operating Budget – FINAL

Fiscal Year January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019

Actual to Budget thru December 31, 2019

Revenue YTD                                                              Actual Budget

General Membership (165)                                  $12,300 $16,500

Boat Slips                                                                 $16,000 $16,000

Canoe/Kayak                                                                 $300 $500

Other (boat app 22)                                                 $2,300 $400

TOTAL REVENUE                                                    $30,900 $33,400

Expenses by Major Category; YTD                         Actual Budget

  • Real Estate Taxes; $11,220 $11,220
  • MN Power; $344.06 $400
  • Dock Material/Dock Preservation $1,213.24 $2,500
  • Lot(s) Preservation; $0 $4,000
  • Park Maintenance/Upgrades; $2,482.12 $6,000
  • Postage/Post Office Fee; $572.98 $175
  • Seasonal Dock/Lift; $4,903 $4500
  • Cinosam Celebrations; $32.46 $400
  • Association Dues; $100 $150
  • Liability Insurance; $2,161 $2,150
  • Bank Fees; $82.46 $150

TOTAL EXPENSES                                           $23,111.32 $31,645


Checking Balance as of 12.31.2019 $ 53,728.10

Donations $ 100 (for park flowers)

BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS                                           Actual YTD Budget

General Membership                                                                   123          165 @ $100

Paid Boat Slip Members                                                                 32            32 @ $500

Paid Canoe Slip                                                                                  6            10 @ $50

Paid Boat Slip App                                                                           22            22 @ $100

Motion to approve the Final 2019 Operating Budget, as presented, was made by Kelly Spratt; motion seconded by Ed Koehler. Motion carried.

Liz Becher presented the 2020 Budget YTD

2020 Operating Budget

Fiscal Year January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020

Actual to Budget thru 5.1.2020

Revenue YTD                                                                   Actual  Budget

General Membership (125)                                        $10,800 $12,500

Boat Slips                                                                       $15,500 $16,000

Canoe/Kayak                                                                      $200 $400

Other (Boat app)                                                               $100 $100

TOTAL REVENUE                                                         $26,600 $29,000

Expenses by Major Category; YTD                           Actual   Budget

  • Real Estate Taxes; $13,960 $14,150
  • MN Power; $157.43 $400
  • Dock Material/Dock Preservation $0 $2,500
  • Lot(s) Preservation; $0  $4,000
  • Park Maintenance/Upgrades; $1,000 $6,000
  • Postage/Post Office Fee; $139.78 $500
  • Seasonal Dock/Lift; $0   $4500
  • Association Dues; $50 $100
  • Liability Insurance; $0 $2,150
  • Bank Fees; $14 $150

TOTAL EXPENSES                                                  $15,321.21      $34,430


Checking Balance as of 5.1.2020 $ 58,656.89

Donations $ 0

BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS                                      Actual YTD Budget

General Membership                                                             108           125 @ $100

Paid Boat Slip Members                                                       32 15           32 @ $500

Paid Canoe Slip 4 8 @ $50

Boat Slip App 1 1 @ $100

YTD Financial Notes:

– Rainbow play system $1,000 deposit made. Full balance paid upon delivery.

It was noted there was an error in the report regarding the actual number of Paid Boat Slip Members; it should read 32 instead of 15.  Motion to approve the 2020 Operating Budget, with the correction, was made by Kelly Spratt; motion seconded by Ed Koehler. Motion carried.

 Committee reports

Boat committee

Ginny Wendt presented the history of how the Boat Slip Waiting List had not been updated for some time. With the approval of the new Boat and Dock Regulations, and reconciliation with the approved requirements, the number of members on the list went down from 42 to 30. Additionally, one member gave up their boat slip on Gull and one member moved from Round to that slip. That leaves one slip open on Round. Presented for voting action is how to address the names of members that have rented out their property and have continued to remain on the Boat Slip Waiting List.  Up for consideration is whether the landlord should be kept at their present position on the list or their position moved down to the date they were no longer renting. After some discussion, a motion to uphold the Boat Rules approved by the majority membership was made by Kelly Spratt; motion seconded by Ed Koehler. Motion carried.

Based on the voting action, the 2020 Boat Slip Waiting List will be revised by moving the affected members down on the Boat Slip Waiting List to the date they were no longer renting. Once finalized, the list will be posted in the Park and on the Cinosam website. A copy will also be sent to all board members.

It was noted that Trevor will get the Boat slips out within the next few weeks, depending on the wind. Temporary stakes were put in-ground, to serve as markers for dock placement; a more permanent solution may be needed.


Discussion that it is difficult to find the Club docks from the lake when dark; a decision was made to put solar lights on the swim buoys.

New playground equipment is being installed May 6. A load of sand will be needed after the installation. A consensus opinion supported the use of Pequot Sand & Gravel for this. The existing playground equipment will be torn down, parted out and burned.

Matching picnic tables are not available at Costco but similar models are. The Club has 6 and approved the purchase of 4 more.

The board agreed on the satellite toilet rental, on an annual basis, from May – October. It will be placed in the area that was built for it. Regarding the noise from the door slamming, sound deadening material will be added and Jenna will make a sign to post, reminding the users to close the door gently.

New Business

The group discussed how temporary rentals, e.g., Air BnBs/VRBOs are impacting Cinosam. Renters can use the park if the landlord is current on their dues.

It was noted there are different rules in Crow Wing County for short term rentals versus long term rentals.

It was suggested to invite Count Commissioner, Bill Brekken, to a future meeting to discuss the rules. Other discussion related to this was tabled, pending this opportunity.

It was noted that there are a lot of new faces in the community; that everyone needs to understand the rules and a reminder that dogs must be on a leash.

A short discussion occurred regarding the current Bylaws

  • they are recommendations and not law
  • they are dated 2009 and are felt to still be current

Discussion regarding a possible Park Pavilion/structure was tabled until next month /when we can meet in person. Motion made by Ed Koehler; seconded by Liz Becher. Motion carried.

Non-profit status and annual filing

  • Mark McDonald shared that he files the document after the first of each year. A printed copy is retained. It was recommended to add a reminder for this filing as a standing agenda item at each May Board meeting.

Next meeting is June 6th, 2020 9am. Stay tuned whether it will be in-person or virtual.


Motion to adjourn made by Ed Koehler; seconded by Verna Thompson. Meeting adjourned at 10:40.

Respectfully Submitted by Heather Caulley

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