Board Meeting 06/01/2019

Board Minutes   06-01-2019


Cinosam Club Approved Minutes June 01, 2019

Meeting called to order by Mark McDonald

Attended by Board Members:  Liz Becher, Kathy Becker, Ed Koehler, John Klauck, Mark McDonald Verna Thompson. Tim Vescio, Jenna Whitehead,

Board Members not in Attendance: Steve Bredeson, Marc Kmecik, Kelly Spratt, Tom Whitehead



Minutes from May 4th Board meeting were read. Voting action for acceptance occurred.


Treasurer’s Report: Liz Becher reviewed the report. Voting action for acceptance occurred.


Committee Reports/Unfinished Business

Boat Committee Recommendations and Report

  • Reviewed the proposed Boat and Dock Regulations, made suggestions for a few revisions. Voting action occurred with a request to present the final version to the Board at the June 29th


Search for Secretary Replacement: Tom Froyum is interested in becoming Secretary.


Search for a Boat Captain continues.


A discussion regarding the cost and placement of the satellite toilet took place, including voting action authorizing Liz to move forward.


John Klauck noted that he is looking into purchasing the mooring signs that were discussed at this meeting.


New Business

July 4th planning was briefly discussed.

Elections for open board positions will take place at the annual meeting in August.

The next Board meeting will take place on June 29th, to allow for planning for the holiday event and annual meeting.

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted by Heather Caulley


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