Boat and Dock Regulations



August 3, 2019

I. Boat Slip Waiting List & Fees

   A. A limited number of boat slips are available to members who are current with their annual dues. Before a member is approved to be on the Boat Slip Waiting List, a Boat Slip Waiting List Application form must be completed and returned to the Boat Captain/Boat Committee.  A copy of the member’s Crow Wing County tax statement or copy of their title/deed must accompany this form.  Joint owners of a property tax parcel are considered one member and allowed a maximum of (1) boat slip.  Multiple family member names will not be accepted on the Boat Slip Waiting List Application form. Renters, rental properties and landlords are not eligible for boat slips.

  B. A one-time deposit (amount set by the Board) is required at the time a member is approved to be on the Boat Slip Waiting List (this fee will be applied to the member’s initial access fee when assigned a slip). If member sells/leaves Cinosam before being assigned a slip, the deposit will be returned, upon request.  If the member requests removal from the Boat Slip Waiting List, the fee will be non-refundable.

C. The remaining balance of the one-time initial access fee and the annual boat slip fees (amount set by the Board) will be paid in full by the approved member at the time the boat slip is assigned.

D. An annual boat slip fee (amount set by the Board) must be paid in full by January 31 of each year. Non-payment of the boat slip fee or membership dues, within 30 days of the due date, may result in loss of the boat slip (non-payment of dues may also result in removal of member’s name from the Boat Slip Waiting List).

II. Enforcement of Unpaid Dues & Fees

If dues and fees for a boat slip lease or waiting list position have not been received by January 31, the member will be notified immediately by email (if email address on file) and by FedEx signed delivery (if address on file) stating that payment must be received within 30 days of the date of the notification or the member will forfeit their boat slip or their waiting list position. Waiting list deposits will not be returned. If member wants to be re-listed on the Boat Slip Waiting List, they must reapply and submit any required deposit.

III. Boat Slip Availability, Lease and Waiting List Provisions

A. Boat slip lease positions and waiting list positions may not be inherited, transferred or sold.

  1. Members do not own boat slips. A boat slip is a temporary lease made available to members and is the property of Cinosam Club.
  2. Boat slips are not inherited, including but not limited to, passing on to family members, a trust, or a corporation.
  3. A surviving spouse in a marriage may retain the boat slip lease.

B.  When a boat slip becomes available, the Boat Captain/Boat Committee will first verify eligibility, then notify those at the top of the Boat Slip Waiting List. Those notified will have 14 calendar days from the date of notification, to secure the slip and pay the prescribed fees.

IV. Compliance/Record Keeping

A. The Boat Captain/Boat Committee and Board shall review and determine the allowed length, width and other requirements of boats and pontoons using the boat slips.

  1. An approximate boat length limit of 22ft is recommended.
  2. Other dimensions will be reviewed prior to placement on Cinosam property.
  3. Operation of boats in a way that could potentially endanger persons or Cinosam property or is against DNR regulations, may result in forfeiture of the boat owner’s leased slip.

B. The Boat Captain will maintain a listing of all slips with the assigned member’s name, property parcel number, slip location and type of boat. The List will be provided annually to the Boat Committee and Board.

C. Each boat owner must carry liability insurance on their boat.

  1. Up-to-date and accurate proof of insurance must be provided on an annual basis (copy of policy, declarations page).
  2. This must be mailed each year with the payment of annual dues and fees.
  3. Failure to do so may result in the loss of the boat slip lease.
  4. The Cinosam Club is not responsible for any loss or damage to personal property.

D. All lifts shall be maintained by boat owners, meet DNR guidelines and kept in good working order.

E. The Boat Captain will coordinate and notify boat owners of the date of installation and removal of docks and slips each year. All boat owners must have their boats removed from the lifts prior to the announced removal date.

F. The Boat Captain/Boat Committee and Board will periodically review the non-use of slips. It is the intent that all leased slips be in use by members. Should a slip remain vacant (boat not in slip) for a period of (1) season the owner will be given the choice to use the slip the following season or forfeit the slip.  A notification will be sent by email (if email address on file) and by FedEx signed delivery (if address on file). A prompt response (within 14 calendar days) will be expected.  If due to a personal hardship and it is the intent of the lessee to not use the slip over a season, they must notify the Boat Captain and Board, and it will be determined how the slip may be used for that season.

V. Canoe/Kayak/Paddle Board Racks

A limited number of canoe/kayak/ paddle board racks on Round Lake are available to members who are current with their annual dues. Registration forms indicating the annual fee will be available on the information board in the Gull Lake Park.

VI. Docks

A. The swim dock is available for use by all members. The swim dock is to be used for the purpose of access to the water for swimming and is to be used safely.

B. The west end of the north dock in the Gull Lake Park may be used for very short-term boat loading and unloading. This is very near the swim dock so extreme caution should be used when approaching the dock. Docking or tying a boat to any other Cinosam dock is strictly prohibited.

C. Boat lift walk-out docks allow for accessibility to each of the boat lifts. These docks are maintained by Cinosam Club and supported by the boat slip fees.  Any damage to individual boat lift walk-out docks will be reviewed; financial responsibility determined by the Board.

VII. Budget/Expenses

A. The appointed Boat Captain/Boat Committee will plan and submit a budget annually for anticipated boat/dock/shoreline expenses. These estimated expenses will be presented to the Board for approval.

B. Non-budgeted projects and costs will be reviewed for approval at monthly Board meetings.

VIII. Boat/Dock/Lift Related Issues

Questions regarding boat/dock/lift issues should be directed to the Boat Captain. Written and signed concerns may also be sent to the Cinosam Club Board of Directors.

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