Board Minutes 10-06-2018

Cinosam Club Unapproved Minutes October 6, 2018

Meeting called to order at 9:10AM by President Mark McDonald.

Attended by Board Members:  Mark McDonald, Liz Becher, Julie Carroll, Verna Thompson, Ed Koehler, Tim Vescio, John Klauck, Marc Kmecik, Tom Whitehead, Jenna Riley.

Board Members not in Attendance: Steve Bredeson, Kelly Spratt, Kathy Becker.


Minutes from the September 1st Board Meeting were read by Julie Carroll. Motion to approve by Tim Vescio and seconded by Tom Whitehead. Motion carried.

Board members and residents will check their personal historical records for the missing Cinosam minutes and financials prior to 1982 and from 2007 to 2013.

Treasurer’s Report: Liz Becher reviewed the YTD Actual to Budget Financial report through September 2018. We are running under budget for the year. Additional dues payments were received for 2018 bringing the total to the budgeted number of 124. There were also receipts of 2019 dues. September payments included $525 for the park steps and a D&O insurance payment of $1,225. Motion to approve by Ed Koehler and seconded by Tim Vescio. Motion carried.

In an effort to automate the secretary’s duties, Liz and Jenna Whitehead are setting up a PayPal payment option for members and Liz is now depositing checks through mobile photo option at US Bank. She will purchase a shredder to destroy the mobile checks after deposit. Minnesota Power payments have been automated and an association email address has been set up to facilitate PayPal. When setup is completed, a PayPal “how to” link will be set up on the website and instructions will be included in the 2019 invoice mailing.

Julie Carroll will mail the invoices for 2019 dues by December 1st. Liz will begin the 2019 budgeting process after 2018 numbers are finalized.

Committee Reports:

Boat & Docks Committee

The first meeting took place on September 1st and the committee reviewed current rules and discussed options. They will meet again today and monthly during the winter. Ginny Wendt prepared and distributed a new boat slip request form for board input. Motion to approve the temporary use of the form until the boat committee presents their final recommendations in the spring was made by Liz Becher and seconded by Verna Thompson. Motion carried.

The boats should be off the lifts now.

A motion was made by Tim Vescio and seconded by John Klauk to approve an estimated maximum expense of $3,000 for replacement of nine dock sections on Outlot 2. Motion carried. Jarrett will request that Trevor remove the identified sections and set them on the top of the hill so hardware can be transferred in the spring.


A motion was made by Tim Vescio and seconded by Liz Becher to use Tom Whitehead’s connection’s bid to build a storage shed for $1,400 to store Cinosam property and equipment. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Liz Becher and seconded by John Klauk to purchase a new motion sensor and LED bulb for the park light. Motion carried.

Unfinished Business Mark said he may have found a new 2019 board secretary in Tom Froyum.

New Business

Verna Thompson and Kim Raboin will continue an effort to welcome new Cinosam residents with the Welcome to Cinosam publication and other club and neighborly information.


Oktoberfest is tonight.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:05AM.

Submitted by Julie Carroll.