Clarification of July 14th Meeting Minutes

It appears there is a misunderstanding related to the new boat slip rules and regulations and the belief that everyone will be able to change the name on the slip or waiting list to anyone in their family as young as 18 years old thereby tying up the slips for decades. This is not the case and the opposite of the board’s intention in rewriting the boat rules. It was determined that the list would only include the single (or married) name of an actual person and therefore the change to a newly assigned name would only apply to boat slip lessees or wait list participants whose property is now listed as a family, corporation, trust or legal entity. If the name on the slip remains a family, corporation or trust it could tie up a slip for generations. To avoid this, there will be a one-time request this year for the four families/entities to provide the single name that will remain unchanged on the slip or wait list. The minutes of the July 14th meeting have been revised to more clearly define this rule and will be posted on the website and the park this afternoon.

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