Cinosam Club Unapproved Minutes: October 7, 2017
Meeting called to order at 9:10AM by President Mark McDonald.
Attended by Board Members: Mark McDonald, Tom Whitehead, Julie Carroll, Liz Becher, Verna Thompson, Patty Rivard, Steve Bredeson, John Klauk.
Board Members not in Attendance: Ron McKitterick, Richard Dillman, Marc Kmecik, Kelly Spratt.
Minutes: from the September 2, 2017 meeting were read by Julie Carroll. Motion to approve as amended, by Liz Becher, second by Patty Rivard. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Liz Becher distributed the September YTD Actual to Budget Financial Report. Revenue is $28,685 and expenses YTD are $28,091. September expenses included $5,400 for Lot 2/3 steps, $234 for the Eagle plaque, $195 for other lot expense and $35 utility bill. Motion to approve by Steve Bredeson, second by Tom Whitehead.
A motion was made by Steve Bredeson and seconded by Julie Carroll to spend $3,500 this year to add riprap to the beach on Lot 4 before winter. Motion carried.
2018 spending will include $5,000 to redo the steps and the deck configuration on Cinosam beach, $1,500 for any needed dock repair and a ladder, $400 for lily pads and $300 for tall cylinder buoys in the swimming area, and two more picnic tables.
There are currently seven kayak slips used and three paid. Mark and Liz will follow-up.
Committee Reports:
SAC Jarrett Leas reported that there are no new dock projects scheduled for 2018. Boats must be off the water now and Trevor will remove the docks and lifts on Gull Lake later next week. It was agreed that we need to draft a document defining the rules related boat slip succession and have it signed by those on the waiting list and others that currently have a slip.
Since the grant has expired in 2017, a motion was made by Verna Thompson and seconded by Tom Whitehead to dissolve the CLARC committee. Motion carried.
Boots will work with Jenna to install a new sign by the beach.
Unfinished Business The Cinosam Auction and Oktoberfest were both a success.
New Business Due to several issues related to the danger presented by several loose dogs, the board discussed the possibility of adopting the county/township lease laws.
Announcements None.
Adjournment Motion to adjourn by Tom Whitehead, second by Steve Bredeson at 10:45AM.
Submitted by Julie Carroll.