Cinosam Auction is a Huge Success

Cinosam Auction 2

Cinosam Auction 3

Cinosam Auction 1

The first ever Cinosam Auction was held on September 2nd. Our fabulous Auctioneer, Joey, presented everything from cucumbers to a boat and motor with a great flair and a few songs.

There were some great deals to be had on household items, gift certificates, horse and buggy rides, and so much more.  I don’t think anyone went home empty-handed. There were also fun games for the kids, hot dogs, chips and great desserts to much on during the bidding.

Of course we never could have achieved this level of success without the hard work of our Chair Maria Fedorczuk, committee members Verna Thompson and Jackie Levings, and so many others who set up the sound system, tents, tables and food, registered participants, keep track of bidding, showing the items, and cleaning up after the event.  Thank you to everyone for making this a great fund-raiser and a really fun Saturday in September!

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