Minutes from October 7th Board Meeting

The minutes from the October 7th Board meeting have been posted under the Club Business tab.


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Time to Remove Boats from Lifts

Cinosam Boats & DocksCinosam Boats must be off the lake now.  Trevor will begin to take the lifts and docks off Gull Lake starting later this week.  Thank you!

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New Lot 2 and 3 Steps Thanks to the Walter Family

Access to Lots 2 and 3 just got a whole lot easier!  Thanks to Mark and Jody Walter, John and Shannon Walter, and Jerry Walter for the beautiful (and safe) new steps.

Lot 2 Stairs 2 Lot 2 Stairs 1 Lot 2 Stairs 3

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End of the Season Board Meeting

The last board meeting of 2017 will be held on Saturday morning at 9:00 AM in the park.  Please join us to close out another successful season.  The agenda is as follows:

  1. Call to order
  2. Roll call of board members
  3. Reading of minutes from Sep 2nd board meeting
  4. Treasurer’s report
  5. Committee reports
  6. Unfinished business
    1. Cinosam Auction and Oktoberfest was a success
    2. New Stairs on Outlots 2 and 3
  7.  New Business
    1. Communication Review ( Website and Facebook)
    2. Winterizing the park pump
    3. Announcements
  8. Adjournment
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Another Great Oktoberfest!

The fall weather was perfect, the food was tasty, the beer went down easy and the company was fantastic!  Thank you to the organizers Trisha and Joey and to everyone who made the year’s Oktoberfest a success.  A special thank you to Ed Kohler for the evening’s entertainment and our grill master Mark Elson.

Oktoberfest Tables 1 Oktoberfest Tables 2 Oktoberfest Tables 3Oktoberfest Tables 4 Oktoberfest Tables 5Oktoberfest BarbequeOktoberfest Tricia Joey   Oktoberfest Fire  Oktoberfest EdOktoberfest Dark2

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Mark Your Calendars – Oktoberfest is Coming

Oktoberfest sign 2017Join your Cinosam neighbors and celebrate the end of another great summer.  Oktoberfest will be held on Saturday, September 30th at 4:00PM in the park.

BYOB and a dish to share.  Brats and fixings will be provided for all.  Come for the festivities and stay for the bonfire.

A special thank you to Jena Riley for designing and printing our new colorful Oktoberfest signs.

Oktoberfest Jenna

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Cinosam Eagle Donation Acknowledgement

Eagle Plaque 2Eagle Plaque 1Eagle Plaque 3Eagle Plaque 4A new plaque has been placed next to the Cinosam Eagle to tell the story and acknowledge everyone in our community that came together to make it a reality.  Our residents, and the original eagle, have risen from the 2015 storm stronger and more resilient.

A special thank you to Maria Fedorczuk-Vescio and all other eagle volunteers and contributors.

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Cinosam Auction is a Huge Success

Cinosam Auction 2

Cinosam Auction 3

Cinosam Auction 1

The first ever Cinosam Auction was held on September 2nd. Our fabulous Auctioneer, Joey, presented everything from cucumbers to a boat and motor with a great flair and a few songs.

There were some great deals to be had on household items, gift certificates, horse and buggy rides, and so much more.  I don’t think anyone went home empty-handed. There were also fun games for the kids, hot dogs, chips and great desserts to much on during the bidding.

Of course we never could have achieved this level of success without the hard work of our Chair Maria Fedorczuk, committee members Verna Thompson and Jackie Levings, and so many others who set up the sound system, tents, tables and food, registered participants, keep track of bidding, showing the items, and cleaning up after the event.  Thank you to everyone for making this a great fund-raiser and a really fun Saturday in September!

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Updated Boat Slip Waiting List

Cinosam Boats & Docks

An updated Cinosam Boat Slip Waiting List has been posted under the “Boats and Docks” tab. I’m sorry to say it isn’t getting any smaller.  But I’m happy to see residents enjoying the new sandy beach!

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Board Meeting Minutes – September 2, 2017

Cinosam Board Meeting 9-2-17The September meeting of the Cinosam Club Board was held on September 2nd in the park.  The unapproved minutes and financial report are posted on the website under Club Business.

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