Cinosam Annual Meeting

The Cinosam Club Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, August 4th at 9:00 AM in the park.  All paid members should have received an agenda and a ballot in the mail.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call of Board Members
  3. Request for Ballot Counting
  4. President’s Annual Report
  5. Reading of Minutes from July 7th  and July 14th 2018 Board Meetings
  6. Treasurer’s Report
  7. Committee Reports
  8. Unfinished Business
    1. Directors and Officers Insurance
    2. New Picnic Tables in the Park
    3. Updated Boat/Dock Rules & Regulations Recap
    4. Thank you to the Volunteers this Past Year
    5. Ladies Club Flowers
    6. Von Mauer’s Mowing/Park Clean-Up
  9.  New Business
    1. Election Results
    2. Welcome New Board Members
  10. Announcements
    1. Oktoberfest Date
  11. Adjournment


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Thanks for the 4th!

Cinosam Whitehead 4th 2 Cinosam Whitehead 4th 1

A belated thank you (it’s still July) to the Whitehead family who picked up the food, set up the tents and tables, cooked the food, managed the float contest & prizes, helped serve and helped clean up.  A thank you to all others who also lent a hand, participated in the parade and just showed up to make it a wonderful Cinosam day.

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Clarification of July 14th Meeting Minutes

It appears there is a misunderstanding related to the new boat slip rules and regulations and the belief that everyone will be able to change the name on the slip or waiting list to anyone in their family as young as 18 years old thereby tying up the slips for decades. This is not the case and the opposite of the board’s intention in rewriting the boat rules. It was determined that the list would only include the single (or married) name of an actual person and therefore the change to a newly assigned name would only apply to boat slip lessees or wait list participants whose property is now listed as a family, corporation, trust or legal entity. If the name on the slip remains a family, corporation or trust it could tie up a slip for generations. To avoid this, there will be a one-time request this year for the four families/entities to provide the single name that will remain unchanged on the slip or wait list. The minutes of the July 14th meeting have been revised to more clearly define this rule and will be posted on the website and the park this afternoon.

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Cinosam Special Board Meeting 07-14-2018

The Cinosam Board of Directors held a special open meeting on July 14, 2018 related to the Cinosam Rules and Regulations and more specifically boat slip rules and regulations. Notice of the meeting was included in the minutes of the July 7th board meeting minutes and a notice was posted on the Cinosam website and Facebook. The meeting was attended by a quorum of board members and residents.

The purpose of the meeting was to update the 2002 Boat/Beach Regulations document to address and clarify specific issues while affirming our intent to allow as many members as possible to enjoy the privilege of leasing a boat slip and avoid tying up a slip for generations within a single family.

Key issues discussed included: Is a boat slip leased by and tied to a property or a person? If a person, do they have to own property in Cinosam and are they listed on the legal property document? What if the property is in the name of a company or trust – would they need to designate a named person so the property would not remain in a family trust forever? What about couples, siblings, divorce, death, etc.? Can the property be a vacant lot? What if a slip lessee moves to a different residence in Cinosam? What if they are not a member (dues not paid) can they be listed or remain a lessee? What if a slip is not used for a season? How do we handle Gull vs. Round lakes? How do we assign slips from the wait list? What if someone’s name comes up and they are not ready to take a slip? Are they really serious? How can we ensure insurance coverage?

As you can see, there are many questions that need to be addressed. After several hours of suggestions and discussion, the board, acting within their fiduciary responsibilities and in the best interest of the Cinosam community, agreed on and unanimously approved the updated Rules and Regulations. While legally the board has the authority to develop Rules and Regulations without membership approval, and while there is nothing in the Bylaws regarding boat slips, it has been suggested that we have an attorney review the document. A member attorney was part of the process and we will look into an outside review.

The minutes of the special meeting have been posted on the Cinosam website. A communication, including the updated rules, will be sent to listed boat slip lessees and wait listed members. We will be asking everyone to let us to review the list and let us know the name of the person or persons (married legally) who own the rights to property at Cinosam. This designated person(s) will not be able to be changed ensuring that the boat slip list will turn over time.

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Special Board Meeting July 14 2018

A special board meeting will be held on Saturday July 14th at 9:00AM at the home of Steve and Tara Bredeson at 20566 Ward Avenue to discuss the recommended updates to the Boat and Dock Rules and Regulations.

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July 2018 Board Meeting

Cinosam July 2018 Board Meeting PicThe July board meeting took place on July 7th.  The minutes are filed under Club Business.

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Cinosam 4th of July

4th of July PosterCome join us for the Cinosam 4th of July Celebration.

This year the top three parade floats will receive a prize so let’s bring it up a notch. Who doesn’t like good neighborly competition? The parade participants can line up on Cinosam Road beginning at 11:00 AM as the viewing crowd lines up their chairs along the road to cheer them on (and maybe catch some candy along the way).

After the parade there will be a great picnic lunch and time to visit with your Cinosam neighbors.

If you are able to bring a dessert, it will be appreciated. We hope to see you there!!!

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Get Your Canoe and Kayak Rack

Round Lake Canoe Racks

Canoe and Kayak racks are available for rent on Round Lake. Lots of space available! Grab a form at the Cinosam Bulletin Board in the park and sign up.

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Round Lake Ready for Summer

Round Lake 1 Round Lake 2

Round Lake beach is all cleaned up and ready for summer. Thanks, Boots!

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Cinosam Gardens

Cinosam Gargens Sign

Cinosam Gardens Liz

Cinosam Gardens CircleThe Cinosam gardens are a colorful and welcome site this year thanks to our wonderful volunteers and generous donations.

The lovely garden under the sign is donated and maintained each year by Dick and Elaine Petersen and Kenneth and Marilyn Kunze. It is planted in honor of Elaine’s aunt and uncle, Dana and Gladys Nordstrom, long-time residents of Cinosam 1953-2000.

The round stone garden is donated by the Cinosam Ladies Club each year.  It is beautifully planted and maintained by Liz Becher.

Thank you all for making Cinosam park come to life each spring!

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