$100 one-time non-refundable fee amount for the Boat Slip Wait List application
Cinosam Calendar
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$100 one-time non-refundable fee amount for the Boat Slip Wait List application
Board Meeting, Saturday, October 26th, at 9 am in the Park
Board & Committee Members
Cinosam Club Board of Directors
Co-Presidents: Tim Vescio and Tom Whitehead
Vice President: Mark McDonald
Secretary: Heather Caulley
Treasurer: Liz Becher
Board Members:
Kathy Becker (2018-21)
Tom Froyum (2019-22)
Ed Koehler (2019-22)
John Klauck (2018-21)
Marc Kmecik (2019-22)
Jenna Whitehead Riley (2017-20)
Kelly Spratt (2017-20)
Verna Thompson (2018-21)
Boat Committee: Boat Captain – Tim Vescio; committee members – Ed Koehler, Ginny Wendt, Kim Raboin, Heather Caulley, Tom Froyum
SAC: Boats, Docks, Gull shore maintenance to hill base: Mark Walters
Cinosam Parks: Boots
Election: Recruiting and administration of annual elections
Maintenance: Multiple by location/need
Events Planning: July 4th and Oktoberfest
Newcomers Welcoming: Kim Raboin and Verna Thompson
Financial Overview: (odd numbered years) Long range planning; dues; taxation; other monetary issues
Brats are provided
Please bring a dish to share with everyone!
Cinosam Club 2019 Operating Budget
Fiscal Year January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019
Actual to Budget thru September 7, 2019
Revenue YTD Actual Budget
General Membership (165) $12,000 $16,500
Boat Slips $16,000 $16,000
Canoe/Kayak $300 $500
Other $100 $400
TOTAL REVENUE $27,750 $33,400
Expenses by Major Category; YTD Actual Budget
• Real Estate Taxes; $11,220 $11,220
• MN Power; $199.73 $400
• Dock Material/Dock Preservation $1,213.24 $2,500
• Lot(s) Preservation; $0 $4,000
• Park Maintenance/Upgrades; $1,787.36 $6,000
• Postage/Post Office Fee; $392.46 $175
• Seasonal Dock/Lift; $2,385 $4500
• Cinosam Celebrations; $0 $400
• Association Dues; $50 $150
• Liability Insurance; $1,225 $2,150
• Bank Fees; $31.26 $150
TOTAL EXPENSES $18,459.05 $31,645
Checking Balance as of 9.7.2019 $ 49,635.37
Donations $ 100 (for park flowers)
General Membership 120 165 @ $100
Paid Boat Slip Members 32 32 @ $500
Paid Canoe Slip 6 10 @ $50
YTD Financial Notes:
Respectfully Submitted, Liz Becher, Cinosam Treasurer 9.7.2019
Annual Meeting Minutes 08-03-2019
Cinosam Club Approved Minutes August 03, 2019
Meeting called to order at 9:00AM by President Mark McDonald.
Attended by Board Members: Liz Becher, Kathy Becker, Heather Caulley, Ed Koehler, Marc Kmecik, Mark McDonald, Tim Vescio, Tom Whitehead
Board Members not in Attendance: Steve Bredeson, John Klauck, Kelly Spratt Verna Thompson, Jenna Whitehead
The meeting was called to order at 9:02 AM by Mark McDonald
A recap of topics discussed at the June 1st Board Meeting, as reviewed at the June 29th Board Meeting, was read. Written minutes are not available.
Motion to approve minutes made by Tim Vescio and seconded by Ed Koehler. Motion carried.
Heather Caulley will capture the discussion in a written document and post them as approved minutes.
Minutes from the June 29th Board Meeting were read.
Motion to approve the minutes made by Tim Vescio and seconded by Tom Whitehead. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Liz Becher reviewed the YTD Actual to Budget Financial report through June 29, 2019, Total Expenses, Assets, General Membership and Paid Canoe Slip were updated from the Report presented at the 6/29/19 Board Meeting. Revenue is unfavorable to budget; YTD actual $27,750 – budget is $33,400. Expenses are favorable to budget; YTD actual $17,719.96 – budget is $31,645. Budget Assumptions include: Total budgeted general membership 165 – YTD actual is 118; Paid Boat Slip Members is on budget at 32; Paid Canoe Slip budgeted at 10 – YTD actual is 6. Checking account balance as of 6/1/2019 is $49,969.78
Expenses paid include $163 to Boots; $1225 for Board Member liability insurance and $165.73 for Minnesota Power bill.
Motion to approve the Report made by John Ness and seconded by Tim Vescio. Motion carried.
$540 in donations were received for the July 4th party; approx. $200 remains
Funds are remaining from the flower money donation. Discussion occurred regarding whether these funds should be put back into the general fund or should be a separate line item, titled, Event Funds Donation. This money could be used to purchase additional items for the Club events. Items needed are pop-up canopies (EZ Ups), extension cords, a keyed lock, garbage cans and/or purchase of tags for garbage disposal/pick-up by Gull Lake Sanitation, and consideration of purchasing a barbeque grill. The use of these funds will be subject to Board approval.
Motion to establish a separate line item for this money made by Tim Vescio and seconded by Kathy Becker. Motion carried. Tom W will go ahead purchase some of these items, including the EZ Ups.
Committee Reports:
Boat & Docks Committee
Many thanks were extended to the members of the committee.
Proposed Boat and Dock Regulations and voting ballots were sent to all paid members.
Discussion occurred regarding the number of members on the Boat Slip Waiting List and whether more slips can be added. It was noted that there are three regulatory entities that govern this, and more research would be needed. Anyone is welcome to do so.
Boots finished up some work on the main steps down to the lake, as approved by the Board last year.
Unfinished Business /General
The 4th of July party was a success. Float ideas were a success. We need more games next year. Many thanks to all the volunteers.
The Ladies Flower Club still exists; gratitude was extended for their work. Others are welcome to join. Mrs. Koehler is a contact.
Need to obtain a lock for the shed. The group agreed that a keyed lock is best.
The flags are currently managed and stored by the Whitehead family. They will be moved to shed. Some flags are deteriorating; at least 6 more flags are needed. Also, a notice of which holidays the flags are displayed on will be generated. Anyone is welcome to assist in putting the flags out.
An annual quote from Peterson for maintenance of Round Lake Park has been received. The group agreed that this is still the best way to manage this.
The von Mauer family was recognized for their continued maintenance of the Gull Lake Park
New Business
Election Results:
Ballots were collected and counted by independent volunteers. 43 ballots were received. The following 2020 executive committee and board members were elected:
No-one was running for president; write-in candidates were submitted. There was an agreement to allow for Co-Presidents
The new board members are as follows:
Co-Presidents: Tom Whitehead and Tim Vescio
Vice President: Mark McDonald
Secretary Heather Caulley
Treasurer: Liz Becher
Board Members 2020-2023: Ed Koehler, Tom Froyum and Mark Kmecik
The proposed Boat and Dock Regulations were voted in.
Boots graded a few streets. Only reimbursement he is asking for is gas. Discussion occurred regarding the Crow Wing County rules regarding having more extensive grading done, including addition of Class 5 material. They schedule this in June, July, August and October. In order to have your street added to the schedule, you need to obtain a specific form and have at least 50% of owner residents of the street/road sign the petition; then submit the form to the County (it can be faxed). Jorey Danielson is the contact. It was recommended that this information and perhaps a blank form be added to the Cinosam website. Marie has a copy.
It was noted that the trees along the north side of the Gull lake Park are thin and may be diseased. These trees are not on Cinosam property. The property owners obtained a bid for annual maintenance of these trees, of $350. (Mike’s Tree Service). The property owners are asking if the Club would consider sharing these expenses. After a brief discussion the consensus is that the Club has no obligation to share this expense and will not do so.
Two dead pines still need to be removed from the property line on the north side of the Gull Lake Park.
A recommendation for everyone to plant new trees through-out Cinosam properties to replace what was lost in 2015. Trish noted that we can get 350 seedlings free, from a state sponsored entity. She would coordinate. Further discussion regarding removing the Jack Pines from the beach and preserving the White Pines. No decisions were made.
New members were welcomed; Verna Van Den Berg and Jeff Schmidt.
Oktoberfest is Saturday, October 12th (originally planned for October 5th: date changed at 9/7/19 Board meeting).
Next Board meeting is Saturday, September 7th.
Motion to adjourn made by Tim Vescio and seconded by Mark Kmecik. Motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:35AM.
Respectfully Submitted by Heather Caulley
Cinosam Club
2019 Operating Budget
Fiscal Year January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019
Actual to Budget thru June 29, 2019
Revenue YTD Actual Budget
General Membership (165) $11,800 $16,500
Boat Slips $16,000 $16,000
Canoe/Kayak $300 $500
Other $100 $400
TOTAL REVENUE $27,750 $33,400
Expenses by Major Category; YTD Actual Budget
• Real Estate Taxes; $11,220 $11,220
• MN Power; $165.73 $400
• Dock Material/Dock Preservation $1,213.24 $2,500
• Lot(s) Preservation; $0 $4,000
• Park Maintenance/Upgrades; $1,434.81 $6,000
• Postage/Post Office Fee; $44.92 $175
• Seasonal Dock/Lift; $2,385 $4500
• Cinosam Celebrations; $0 $400
• Association Dues; $50 $150
• Liability Insurance; $1,225 $2,150
• Bank Fees; $31.26 $150
TOTAL EXPENSES $17,719.96 $31,645
Checking Balance as of 6.1.2019 $ 49,969.780
Donations $ 100 (for park flowers)
General Membership 118 165 @ $100
Paid Boat Slip Members 32 32 @ $500
Paid Canoe Slip 6 10 @ $50
YTD Financial Notes:
– $100 flower donation used, funds remaining
– 4th of July donation funds remaining, propose vote for using towards supplies
– Park maintenance paid out to Boots for top of stairs on lot 1
Respectfully Submitted, Liz Becher, Cinosam Treasurer 8.3.2019
Board Minutes 06-01-2019
Cinosam Club Approved Minutes June 01, 2019
Meeting called to order by Mark McDonald
Attended by Board Members: Liz Becher, Kathy Becker, Ed Koehler, John Klauck, Mark McDonald Verna Thompson. Tim Vescio, Jenna Whitehead,
Board Members not in Attendance: Steve Bredeson, Marc Kmecik, Kelly Spratt, Tom Whitehead
Minutes from May 4th Board meeting were read. Voting action for acceptance occurred.
Treasurer’s Report: Liz Becher reviewed the report. Voting action for acceptance occurred.
Committee Reports/Unfinished Business
Boat Committee Recommendations and Report
Search for Secretary Replacement: Tom Froyum is interested in becoming Secretary.
Search for a Boat Captain continues.
A discussion regarding the cost and placement of the satellite toilet took place, including voting action authorizing Liz to move forward.
John Klauck noted that he is looking into purchasing the mooring signs that were discussed at this meeting.
New Business
July 4th planning was briefly discussed.
Elections for open board positions will take place at the annual meeting in August.
The next Board meeting will take place on June 29th, to allow for planning for the holiday event and annual meeting.
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted by Heather Caulley
Board Minutes 06-29-2019
Cinosam Club Approved Minutes June 29, 2019
Meeting called to order at 9:00AM by President Mark McDonald.
Attended by Board Members: Mark McDonald, Liz Becher, Verna Thompson, Ed Koehler, Tim Vescio, John Klauck, Steve Bredeson, Jenna Whitehead, Kelly Spratt, Kathy Becker
Board Members not in Attendance: Julie Carroll, Marc Kmecik, Tom Whitehead
Minutes from the June 1st Board Meeting were not available. A review of topics discussed was given by Mark McDonald and is reflected, below.
Follow-Up: Mark will bring the formal June 1, 2019 minutes to the August meeting for review and voting action.
Treasurer’s Report: Liz Becher reviewed the YTD Actual to Budget Financial report through June 29, 2019. Revenue is unfavorable to budget; YTD actual $27,750 – budget is $33,400. Expenses are favorable to budget; YTD actual $16,181.33 – budget is $31,645. Budget Assumptions include: Total budgeted general membership 165 – YTD actual is 116; Paid Boat Slip Members is on budget at 32; Paid Canoe Slip budgeted at 10 – YTD actual is 3.
Brief discussion re: whether we should continue to budget for 165 paying members. Also noted that this budgeted number is unique property title holders, ie, no duplication for owning more than one lot. No decision was made.
The PayPal funds have been distributed to the account. The PayPal account is now closed.
Park maintenance was paid to Boots for painting the shed and building/painting the satellite toilet structure.
Liz received a $100 donation for flowers. Ann and Trish will purchase them and plant them.
Motion to approve made by Ed Koehler and seconded by Tim Vescio. Motion carried.
Committee Reports:
Boat & Docks Committee
Final version of the proposed rules was reviewed. No further revisions were needed. Copies will be made and sent out to the membership in advance of the Annual Meeting in August.
Bids have not been vetted for new play equipment. Liz has left messages but has not received any return calls, yet.
Unfinished Business
Vacant Board Positions
Tim Vescio volunteered to fill the vacant Boat Captain position (Jarrett is not interested in continuing).
Motion to approve made by John Klauck and seconded by Verna Thompson. Motion carried.
Heather Caulley volunteered to fill the vacant Secretary position.
Motion to approve made by John Klauck and seconded by Verna Thompson. Motion carried.
New Business
Discussion ensured regarding the current placement of the satellite toilet and the associated noise from use and servicing. A decision was made to relocate it further away from anyone’s home. It will be moved over by the conifer tree in the middle of the park, with the door facing the lake. Additional construction of the obscuring structure may be needed. Will reassess after this year to determine if it becomes too offensive.
Discussion regarding locating any of the Operations Handbooks (referred to as Board Position books) that were created many years ago. Tim will look for his copy.
Mark shared the many volumes of binders of Club business that Julie put together. Mark will store this information in his garage. It is noted that Cinosam minutes and financials prior to 1982 and from 2007 to 2013 are still missing and that everyone should look to see if they have any of this information.
It was mentioned that the Bylaws should be reassessed and revised, as needed. The current version was approved in 2009.
Heather will contact Julie Carroll to determine how to maintain the Club website and Facebook page. Julie has paid fees for the website, already.
It was noted there are 2 dead trees along the north fence line of the park that need to be removed. Boots will be contacted for removal.
General fence maintenance is needed. Boots will be made aware.
A bench on the north dock and the swimming ladder need to be secured. Boots will be contacted to repair this.
The swimming area buoys still need to be placed. They are in the shed. The chain/ anchors are in the water. Anyone willing and able to place these is welcome to do so.
Planning for Annual meeting and election of New Board Members
The Boat and Dock regulations and the Ballots need to be mailed. If ballots are mailed in, the sender should mark Ballot on the envelope so as not to be confused with other incoming mail. A consideration of sending a return envelope, with Ballot or the return address stamped on it was also discussed as a possibility.
Mark will create the ballot and send to Ginny and Heather. Ginny will coordinate the printing and mailing.
Other Board members running: Ed Koehler, Tim Vescio, Tom Froyum and Mark Kmecik
July 4th party is coming up.
Mark M is doing the purchasing but will be out of town for the event.
Jenna will work on signage
Still need an Emcee: Mark will f/u with Tom Whitehead.
Taps should be played.
The horses will probably make another appearance.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30AM.
Respectfully Submitted by Heather Caulley