The Cinosam Fence Painting is Complete!

cinosam-painted-fenceThe fence is painted and it looks great.  It was a several-day effort but well worth it and I think we also had a good time visiting with our Cinosam friends and neighbors.  Thank you to all of the volunteers for donating your time to this community effort:

Boots Johnson
Tom & Denise Whitehead
Fred Paine
Barb Simon
Joey Halvorson
Gary Zurn
Connie Krivich
Wadeen Baribeau
Norma Jean Ness
Julie Carroll
Ken Kunze
Tom & Mary Jo Ohlin

A special thank you to the Ohlin’s and our park neighbors Stan & Bonnie Jorgenson and Michael Gresser for donating the paint.

And Stan & Bonnie, we love the brown mulch you put under the trees on the north side of the park. Looks fantastic!

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Eagle Rises from Cinosam Member Contributions

IMG9514921The story of the eagle is a heartfelt and personal one to Cinosam residents Maria Fedorczuk-Vescio and Phil Johnson.  The damage and loss of trees and wildlife habitat from the July 2015 storm was devastating.  One such lost tree on Cinosam’s Lot 3 was home to a majestic eagle.

Maria, a neighbor of the eagle, looked at the downed tree, and the eagle now circling overhead, and had an idea.  She approached Phil regarding some kind of monument made from the beautiful 80+ year-old tree.  Phil and Maria contacted local carver Ben Semler and together with direction from Boots Johnson, they developed the concept of a winged eagle on top of the original pine.  Standing at the top of the hill overlooking the Cinosam beach, the carving is truly inspirational and a symbol of our resilience and ability to overcome obstacles.  The eagle has found another nearby home and we are left with our Cinosam Eagle.

The Cinosam Eagle has been entirely funded by donations from Cinosam members.  Maria Fedorczuk-Vescio and Tim Vescio have been coordinating contributions and names for a commemorative plaque to be placed near the eagle.  The following contributor names will be listed on the plaque as shown below.  If you would like to make changes to the list or if you would like to contribute, please contact Maria or Tim.  Thank you to Maria, Phil, Boots, Ben and all of the contributors for making this tribute possible.

  1. Phil J. Johnson
  2. Maria Fedorczuk-Vescio
  3. Tim Vescio
  4. Gary & Barb Zurn
  5. Stephen Imholte
  6. Rachael Scherer
  7. John & Patty Klauck
  8. Boots Johnson
  9. The Holloways
  10. The Andersons
  11. The Thompsons
  12. Diane & Richard Dillman
  13. The Asingers
  14. Pat & Dale Teeuwen
  15. The Bodes
  16. The Schwens
  17. Mark & Ginny McDonald
  18. Kathy & Bruce Becker
  19. The Pepins
  20. The Nesbitt Family
  21. Michael & Rebecca Maddox
  22. Sue & Roger Johnson
  23. Fred & Nancy Paine
  24. Tom & Kay Menzel
  25. Paul & Lisa Slack
  26. Ed & Sherry Koehler
  27. Diane E. Williams
  28. Ron & Elaine McKitterick
  29. The Leas Family
  30. Chan Krause
  31. The Carroll Family
  32. Joey Halvorson
  33. The Whitehead Family
  34. Steve & Tara Bradeson
  35. Marcia Vonderharr
  36. The Cottrells
  37. Dick & Elaine Peterson
  38. Tom & Amy Schreier
  39. Gary & Sally Schatzlein
  40. Mike & Heidi Chapman
  41. The Muehlbauers
  42. Gary & Sue Redburg
  43. Dr. & Mrs. Leendert Kersten
  44. John & Norma Ness
  45. Kelly & Deb Spratt
  46. Ken & Marilyn Kunze
  47. Charles & Patricia McCleary
  48. Verna Thompson
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Cinosam History – Round Lake

20160913_134057A historical picture of the Round Lake property off of 371 at the end of Cinosam road.  Submitted by Kathy Becker.

Look through those old (and new) pictures and let us know if you have any you would like to share with your Cinosam neighbors.

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Painting the Fence – Looking Good!

Great turn-out of volunteers on Saturday to paint the park fence.  Looks like work AND maybe some fun too! Thank you to all of the volunteers and thanks for the great photos, Joey.

cinosam-fence-2 cinosam-fence-1 cinosam-fence-3

cinosam-fence-11       cinosam-fence-4

cinosam-fence-10  cinosam-fence-7cinosam-fence-9 cinosam-fence-6 cinosam-fence-8 cinosam-fence-5

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Volunteer Opportunities by Diane Dillman

Cinosam parkVolunteering is a Cinosam tradition and it keeps our dues low.  There are both physical and administrative needs.  Many things need upkeep.  Help out friends and neighbors and work with them to better our special neighborhood.

Please choose an item; contact a board member if you need special supplies.   They may be available.  If you have questions just ask.  If nothing is needed, proceed with the job.

Continue reading

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Cinosam Oktoberfest – October 15, 2016

Oktoberfest bonfire

Join your friends and neighbors for a bonfire, beer and brats to celebrate Oktoberfest and a great end to the 2016 summer.  Gather at 4:00 in the park.  BYOB and a dish to share.  Hope for good weather and a great turn-out!

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Cinosam Eagle Rises from the Storm

IMG9514921The Cinosam Eagle was created from a large white pine lost in the 2015 storm and now stands as a reminder of our strength and resilience.  Eagles have been seen swooping down to get a closer look at the lifelike carving.  The cost of the Eagle was covered entirely by donations.  A plaque will be added listing the contributors.  The names currently listed include……list names.

If you have contributed and are not on the list, please contact Tim Vescio

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Cinosam Park Long Range Plan – Request for Involvement

Cinosam parkMission Statement

To explore, evaluate and implement park and property improvements for the health, welfare and safety of the Cinosam general membership.  Improvements will focus on increased club membership, improve social and neighborhood involvement, and ensure property valuation for the club and also the individual member’s real property.

General Membership Initial Involvement Request

The Cinosam Board of Directors approved the formation of a Long Range Planning Committee at the 2015 Annual Meeting.  Initial discussions as a small committee have been directed toward bringing together ideas for park improvements and to gain some insight from Cinosam membership. Continue reading

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Cinosam Rainbow

IMG_6213Looks like a sign that the storms and devastation are over!

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Dues & Boat Fees

2017 Membership Dues of $100 and Boat Slip fees of $500 need to be paid to the Cinosam Club within the first 30 days of 2017.

Submit your payments to:  Cinosam Club P.O. Box 2851 Baxter, MN 56425



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