Board Meeting Minutes – July 1, 2017

Board Meeting 07-01-17The July 2017 Board Meeting was held on July 1st in the park.  The unapproved minutes and financial report are posed on the website under Club Business.

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Revised Deadline for Cinosam Road Maintenance Petitions

Because of the heavy interest Maria Fedorczuk-Vesio has extended the petition deadline to July 18th. The extension will allow more time to organize residents to obtain more signatures and improve as many of our roads as possible.  If you have any questions, please call Maria at 763-592-9401.  Thank you Maria!!

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Cinosam Maintenance on Unpaved Roads

Cinosam Roads DocCinosam residents who live on unpaved roads have a limited-time opportunity to have your road resurfaced. To do so, you must complete a Petition for Maintenance Service, have it signed by 75% of the homeowners on the street, and turn it into Maria Vescio by the end of the week (July 8th). You can obtain the blank forms from Maria.

Thank you to Maria for getting the signatures and coordinating the work to resurface Paine Avenue and surrounding roads. Drive down and see what an improvement it has made.

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Cinosam 4th of July Celebration

4th of July PosterJoin us for the Cinosam 4th of July celebration.

The parade participants can line up on Cinosam Road beginning at 11:00AM as the viewing crowd lines up their chairs on the avenue to cheer them on.

After the parade, there will be a patriotic program followed by a great picnic lunch and time to visit with our Cinosam neighbors.

If you are able to bring a dessert, it would be appreciated.  We hope to see you there!!!

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Cinosam Board Meeting – Saturday July 1

board-meetingThe July Board Meeting will be held Saturday July 1st at 9AM in the park.  In case of rain, we will move across the street to Julie’s house.


  1. Call to order.
  2. Roll call of board members.
  3. Reading of minutes from June 3rd meeting.
  4. Treasurer’s report.
  5. Committee reports.
  6. Unfinished business.
    1. Swim dock replacement.
    2. 4th of July parade/picnic plans.
    3. Adding 2 new picnic tables in the park.
  7. New business.
    1. Elections.
  8. Announcements.
    1. Oktoberfest date Saturday Sep 30th
  9. Adjournment
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Interested in Becoming a Cinosam Board Member?

The Cinosam Board has 3 positions opening up this year.  If you are interested in donating your time and talent to our great community enter yourself in the running at the July board meeting or before by emailing Mark McDonald at Ballots and personal bio’s will be distributed to the voting members before the August Annual Meeting.

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Cinosam Board Meeting Minutes – June 3

Board Mtg 06-03-17The Cinosam Board had their June 3rd Meeting on a beautiful Saturday morning.  The unapproved minutes have been posed under the Club Business tab.

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Cinosam Board Meeting – Saturday, June 3


The June Board Meeting will be held Saturday June 3rd at 9 AM in the park.  In Case of rain, we will move it across the street to Mark’s garage or Julie’s house next to the park .

The CINOSAM CLUB AGENDA for June 3rd 2017

  1. Call to order.
  2. Roll call of board members
  3. Reading of minutes from May 6th  meeting
  4. Treasurer’s report
  5. Committee reports
  6. Unfinished business
    1. Ladies Club $100 donation for flowers
    2. Swim Dock Replacement
    3. Website annual costs
    4. New Residents in the clu
  7.  New Business
    1. 4th of July
    2. Election
  8.  Announcements
    Oktoberfest is on Saturday Sep 30th
  9.  Adjournment
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Cinosam Beach Fire

Cinosam Fire 1  Cinosam Fire 2 Cinosam Fire 3

The Cinosam Gull Lake beach was the location of a fire on April 29th destroying a large stack of dock sections stored for the winter. Thanks to the quick arrival of the Brainerd Fire Department they were able to save the two remaining stacks and surrounding area. Arson is suspected and the Crow Wing County Sherriff’s department investigation is in progress.

The aftermath brought together several Cinosam volunteers who hauled the burned sections up the hill, pulled off the hardware and loaded them up to be taken away and destroyed. Thank you to everyone that helped with the clean-up effort and thanks to Tom Whitehead for the pictures.

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Round Lake Park Ready for the Season

Round Lake Burn 2017A controlled burn (the good kind) took place at Round Lake Park last weekend.  With the help of a few volunteers the lot was burned, raked, cleaned and made ready for the new season.  Thank you to the volunteers who joined Boots to get the job done: Mark McDonald, Larry Mudget and John Klauck.

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